Jul 15, 2011

André Rieu's First Concert in Maastricht Photos!

The First Maastricht Concert Photos!
Al has sent me the most amazing photos of the first concert and I'm working on the page now to post them all ... they will be on VERY soon! But here's a little sample while you wait ... :)
Mirusia as Mary Poppins Flying out over the audience!


  1. Margaret S aka Mother Superior15 July, 2011

    Thanks Sue and Al for such prompt updates. RIEU-lly appreciate the news!

  2. Margaret S aka Mother Superior15 July, 2011

    Great photos Thanks Al and Sue. I note that Mirielle is back on the timpani. And I spot at least 3 baby bumps! Wonderful to see the choirs, and Mary Poppins, as well as Anthony Hopkins.
