Jul 28, 2011

Everyone in Maastricht Benefits From André Rieu Concerts

Everyone from Maastricht Benefits
Businesses very satisfied with the summer events on the Vrijthof

CHAPEAU MAGAZINE: For Toine Scheerens, president of the collaborative Sahot Hotels in Maastricht and director of the NH Hotel, the concerts of André Rieu on the Vrijthof can no longer be ignored. "They are a huge boost for the hotels during the month of July, which normally is viewed as a weak month and now because of the concerts has become a very good month.
It is six times 10,000 visitors who travel to Maastricht, and that during a period when many people are on holiday. It's not only just all about the rooms, since many of the guests book an all inclusive package with dinner and transportation to and from the Vrijthof. We also have six additional buses running daily, in addition to extra taxi-cabs. Every one profits, the baker and the butcher but also those businesses that stay busy with the laundering of sheets and towels. All the hotels in the region are busy. We even have to hire additional laundry services from outside the local area". "The hotels also take a little advantage of the situation," says Scheerens. "On the departure days of our guests, we sell on an average of about sixty vlaais which they take with them as a memento of Limburg. The lobbies of the hotels have been decorated with attributes of André Rieu and the music being played during those days is from his CD’s. These people are huge fans from all over the world who like to come to Maastricht to hear and see him play in his home town and place of his birth."
"The impact is at least as large as that of the TEFAF" (Maastricht’s largest art exhibition) says hotel owner Benoit Wesley (hotel Derlon and Apple Park). "Not only for the hotels and restaurants, but also for the many stores. Many of the guests stick around the day after the concert and visit the many stores, shops, terraces, etc. The TEFAF is fine for us, but the exhibition itself is conducted in the MECC, (Maastricht Exhibition and Congress Center) at the edge of the city. André Rieu’s concerts are in the center of the city, so that is much more people on their terrace every evening. They are being spoiled by the catering company Delicieux who offers them a complete gastronomical menu.
Maurice Knols, director of the VVV (Tourist Information Office) also emphasizes on the role as ambassador which André so feverishly portrays for his city. "That has an enormous impact. And above all, visitors from all over the world learn to know the city in an exceptional noticeable. There is an atmosphere of fraternization in the city, very exceptional. Previously July was the worst month of the year, but now along with March, the best. Wesley has an explanation for the lesser number of concerts, six this year, compared to eight last year. André wants to maintain a balance and independently from that, tickets became obviously more expensive due to the increase in the VAT, from six to nineteen percent. That also affects the music lovers.
For hotel owner Camille Oostwegel (Chateau St.Gerlach, Kruisheren Hotel, Chateau Neerkanne and Winselerhof) it is not just about many hotel guests. "Of course hotel occupancy is extremely good. But that also has an indirect effect. Due to TV images being beamed across the entire world, this is huge advertising for Maastricht. We still do not realize completely how much value André Rieu is for Maastricht and Limburg. Everywhere he performs he speaks about his city, Maastricht. When I go to France, everyone knows Maastricht. Not only because of the Treaty of Maastricht, but also because of André Rieu." Camille Oostwegel is also proud of a deal he, as president of the Museum on the Vrijthof, which is currently being renovated and expanded, and André Rieu have made. We have created a special beer glass from the "Brand" brewery with André Rieu’s image on it. The intention is to sell ten thousand of them. The profits will go towards the museum. It is a fantastic gesture of him for his city. The glasses should be ready just prior to the concerts. André will be the first recipient of a "Rieuke", since that’s what we’ve named the glass. Who knows, maybe this might give the "Brand" brewery the idea to brew a special "Rieuke". Guaranteed success if you ask me".

The cafes and restaurants on the Vrijthof are doing an exceptional business during the concerts, since their terraces are enlarged and sold out for the entire evening. Many of the cafes will use caterers. The Theatre on the Vrijthof does that too since they serve 180 manner. The Vrijthof is beautifully lit and the atmosphere is fantastic. This is what every city would like to have as a profile. I am sure that because of these concerts, Maastricht has gained many fans who would like to return. A city in terms of tourism should include good culture, all the way from top to bottom. If you do have such a world event in your home, you sure can be happy".
Thanks to Ineke for sending this and John ©Translating it
Vrijthof Photo by Al Girard


  1. Steph Padgett29 July, 2011

    The more I see and read the more I can't wait to be there, and he is so right, apart from the Maastricht Treaty, how many of us knew anything about the place? I,like many others just wish the glasses were available on line. I have tried the places that are selling them but they are not available on their websites.

  2. I have visited Maastricht only twice, but I am completely in love with that city and Zuid Limburg. We had a chance to venture outside of Maastricht this year and explore the surrounding areas. Such a beautiful area...no wonder Andre never wants to leave!

  3. Andre does love Maastricht and home is where the heart is. On one of his roadsoaps he did say he could live in New York City, I live about 9 hours from N.Y.C and sadly enough i have never been there.

  4. André loves the excitement of NYC and says it's the center of the world ... but his heart is forever in Maastricht. Once you have visited that quaint, beautiful city you know why ... I know I left a part of my heart there!

    Sue :)

  5. embharland-hazebroek29 June, 2014

    Hoewel het bovenstaande artikel juist is t.a.v.. Maastricht, zie ik André Rieu het liefst genoemd om zijn muzikale talent, zijn leiding, diversiteit en karakter. Ik wens hem en alle musici een fijn verblijf in ons land toe. Veel hebben hier naar uitgekeken. Met vriendelijke groeten en tot spoedig.

  6. embharlndh329 June, 2014

    C.C: dossier
