Jul 30, 2011

Pierre Rieu Markets His Father André Rieu

Pierre Rieu Markets His Father

CHAPEAU MAGAZINE: You haven’t had the idea yet, due to your role in your company, to do a specific study say in, economics, or to work abroad for a year with a different orchestra or artist, purely for the experience?
PIERRE: No, because what you learn there you can not apply to ARP (André Rieu Productions); you would still have to throw that experience away. My Mom sometimes pulls her hair out: "What has he come with now?" We do not work with a budget either. Our financial advisor, Roel van Veghel, has tried to institute that numerous times, but to no avail. Even the Schönbrunn idea, that just popped into Dads head and then he says: "I think we should do that". Of course we do look at our finances, but we still go ahead with the plan. In the end it turned out that it costs us three times as much as we thought. It sure had its setbacks, but it did wonders for us.
The tour through Australia cost us 28 million Euros, and if we had spent that amount of money on marketing via spots, billboards, advertising and the like, we would never have had the same results. The marketing we received from that tour has been invaluable and went all over the world. It goes without saying, at least, that "some fool" copied this huge castle, and was even able to attract many, many visitors with it. Click on the link to READ FULL ARTICLE with Pierre: http://harmonyparlorphotos.blogspot.com/2011_10_01_archive.html#6664769171402722136


  1. Anonymous30 July, 2011

    Wow! What a lot of work! Well done, John!

  2. Anonymous30 July, 2011

    I echo Ineke totally ! & for all the hard work Sue had in posting it!

    As long as the article was ... it was very enjoyable & easy reading.


  3. I have the utmost respect and admiration for Pierre. He is an incredibly intelligent young man, and very sensible as well.

    Al Girard

  4. Whoa! Marathon huh, John! You're GREAT! And as always, Pierre is such a fine man with so much wisdom. Don't you just love to imagine André changing diapers and talking about Brazil at the same time? LOVE it!

  5. Mary Webster, Melbourne, Australia31 July, 2011

    I too echo everyone’s thoughts.
    And Alice re André, the diapers and Brazil – I would have loved to have seen that – haha
    Just sorry he won’t be back to Australia any time soon, I thought that might have been the case in the wording André used in his little piece when he put up the photos of the last concert with the Seekers.

  6. Thanks for the hard work everyone. Greatly appreciated.
    Regarding Andre and Down Under, oh well, 20 months will fly by!!

    Just think of the anticipation!

    cheeRIEU from Val & Vic. Fr. Grp.

  7. Thanks to you all for this great read, I also love the bit about diapers & Brazil.

    Pierre is a champion that's for sure.

    Why not see us in Maastricht next year Val?
    You know how it goes "we'll meet again"

    Dee in Perth

  8. Just want to add my thanks to John, Ineke, Ruud and Sue for all their hard work. This must have taken days to translate.

    Pierre is certainly a fine young man and looks after his Dad's interests. Marc is a very nice young man as well. André and Marjorie must have great parenting skills along with their other numerous talents. My hat's off to the entire family!
