Aug 15, 2011

ANDRÉ RIEU in Maastricht several years ago ...

This is a little fun video from Youtube, that Peggy Graenz posted on The Parlor on Facebook. It's an old video taken of André playing solo in Maastricht about 18 years ago ... Click on the Youtube link to watch: 


  1. Okay Sue, I'd put it on here as well... OMG!!!

  2. Fantastic!!Fifteen years ago!!!

  3. Love Andre in the 18th century outfit. Specially like the ribbon in his hair! Enjoyed the music too - I adore Mozart.

  4. I love the of my favorite pieces, but, sorry folks, whoever made him dress up in that outfit should be shot at sunrise!

  5. I agree, is a horrible outfit!


  6. Mozart, beautiful played, it does not matter how he's dressed to me. LOVE it.

    Anne Sweden

  7. Hi Kay and Entia: people in the 18th century were dressed like this!! When you visit Vienna nowadays, you'll meet a lot of fake Mozarts (selling concert tickets), who are dressed like this!
    It belongs to the century and the music!

  8. Yes, Ineke, I realise this, but I really don't think this particular outfit does Andre any favours. His usual concert attire is far more flattering and I must admit....I think he looks smashing in formal gear, e.g. the suit etc. he wore when introducing the Rieuwke with the 2 other gentlemen.
    However, I firmly believe in the old adage of "different strokes for different blokes"....By the way, its a really charming photograph of you and Ruud that now adorns HP.


  9. Yes, you're right, Ineke. He's playing Mozart and dressing the part as well. He's such a handsome and distinguished-looking man, but I just don't think the costume is very flattering to him, that's all. His music "speaks to me" like nothing else can so as long as I can hear that beautiful music, I can overlook the costume...he can wear anything he wants! :)

  10. Andre looks good no matter what he wears, after all you can't improve on perfection.

  11. Well, doesn't really matter to me if André's in checkered pants, or Mozart's outfit, my family fell in love with his music without a clue what he looked like, he's part of the family several years before he put this ribbon in his hair :)

  12. Oh, Andre, that is very funny. You are a brave man to wear that outfit. Your musical skill is, as always, spot on. Love,
    Susan Ham.
    X X X
