Aug 1, 2011

It's a Holiday For André Rieu!

CHAPEAU MAGAZINE by ANDRÉ RIEU: I will have to get used to them, but this summer I really will have a few weeks vacation, for me a strange perception. I will almost have to follow a course. How do you do that, going on holiday?
When I realized last year that I am no longer eighteen and just like everyone else, I have to adhere to all the laws of nature, Marjorie and I agreed that from now on we would take a summer vacation. We will be closed for no less than four weeks. Unheard of.
Actually it seems to be quite normal, but I in fact, have never before experienced anything like that. At least not in the last ten years. Everything became so busy that it just slipped by me. And I really did not have a need for a vacation, at least that's what I thought. I find it all very nice indeed, everything that I do.
But still, it seems that a little relaxation from all the stresses, does a body a world of good. So, I will go and try a little of that too. Although, we're not really going to travel for four weeks while on holiday. I travel myself silly all year around, so you are not doing me any favors with that. To spend a few days in a beautiful city, preferably one where they do not know me, that will be okay.
But as for the rest of the time? No, I'm not going to lay on a beach for weeks on end, I'd be bored to death. No, we can still enjoy ourselves at home, and Marjorie and I will undoubtedly in between still be involved with music. Coming up with new ideas with a glass of wine. But the office will be closed, so the number of phone calls, emails and so on will be less. I wonder what effect that will have on me.
It sure has been a year for me! I'm quite happy that I was able to resume my life and feel great. We just returned from Vienna where we recorded a wonderful special for ZDF in some of the most beautiful locations of that city. It will be broadcast in the fall on a Saturday evening, 2.5 hours long, aired during prime time.
And after the summer we are going to record a Christmas special for ZDF, this time in the caves of Valkenburg. We played there once before for our Queen, and we really enjoyed that. This special will be broadcast on Christmas Eve.
We also have a new CD with for the first time, ballroom music. That wonderful, nostalgic, swooning music. With songs like "Tanz mit mir in den Morgen, Blue Tango and Rot sind die Rosen".
And then the Vrijthof concerts are upon us, as always a high point for the year. And because they are in my own town, the atmosphere is always unique. This time, as a gesture to the Holy Shrine Procession, we have two gospel choirs in our program, one from America and one from South Africa. It will be something very beautiful. And especially for this concert we also have the Russian trio back, who toured around with us for a few years.
Yes, and then as the apotheosis, we'll play the waltz which Sir Anthony Hopkins wrote. That will be really something special. He will especially fly over from America to experience this on the Vrijthof. If someone from Hollywood finds it so special to come to the Vrijthof, then we can be very proud of the most beautiful square in the Netherlands ... André Rieu
Thanks to Ineke for scanning all this for us and John for ©Translating it all into English


  1. Dear Andre, it is quite apparent that you are not one to sit and do nothing and maybe thats a good thing, but from time to time everyone must take some time for them selves. I have mentioned this before and if you or Marjorie are not afraid of deep water you should take a cruise, and the cruise ship being no other than ' The Oasis Of The Seas ' she is a fantastic cruise ship and the biggest of them all. Something to think about, enjoy your summer. Barb

  2. May they all enjoy the office closure and be restored. A change of pace is good for the soul.

  3. Dear Andre,i have only one request please please please find time to come to Australia in 2012,for me a year without seeing you live would be a very sad year indeed,my life is built around your music and the joy that you bring into our lives,it comes from the heart Andre I love your music so much.
    Edgar Pendleton

  4. Dear Andre, I hope you have a wonderful and restful vacation, as you certainly deserve it. You have brought us so much joy and happiness in your music. I look forward to seeing you in September when you come to "Edmonton, Canada" Bless you and your family. Silvana.

  5. I don't think that Andre would enjoy a cruise, Barb. Once you're under way ... there is no getting off. He is too restless to spend time being confined ... no matter how large these ships are. Short of a health emergancy .... you can't get off. You can visit the ports, but you can't skip ship.


  6. Dear Andre,
    I am not convinced that you are looking forward to your vacation. I get the feeling that it is other people's ideas for your good! I do agree it is important that you spend your time away from the work that you love. Maybe you could do something else that you love and in which you can become absorbed. eg revive an old hobby, or find a new hobby, stay home with Marjorie and do something unmusical together, spend time at home with old friends, go for walks, play cards, games. Most of all don't try and have a holiday that involves TRAVEL - as you say you do enough of that all year! Indulge yourself a bit and above all ENJOY! Now I am telling you what to do-like everyone else!!

  7. Hey Blue Eyes, if you want to spend a holiday where no one knows you come to my place and i will take you to places where you have never been, Nova Scotia for one and i think you would really love the Ocean, after all Nova Scotia is Canada's Ocean Playground. Also a note to Maryann, google The Oasis of The Seas, she is no small ship and its like a city inside. I have seen cruise ships but nothing like this one, after all you never know what you might like unless you try it.

  8. Barb .... I have seen the Ocean of the Seas. It's home port is a short way from our winter home. True they are like cities .... but I would be surprised if Andre would be happy on one. Regarding Nova Scotia.... I remember lots & lots of good blueberries grow there.

  9. I should have said The Oasis of the Seas. I was thinking about floating in the ocean !


  10. Hi MaryAnn, yes Nova Scotia most certainly does have lots of good wild blueberries, as we were kids growing up we would go out and pick blueberries every day and mom would make blueberry pies and cakes but the best of all was home made blueberry grunt, mmmmm
