Sep 13, 2011

A Funny Thing Happened During Intermission

A Funny Thing Happened During Intermission
Cute Concert Story From Al Girard

At The Edmonton Concert: André and the Johann Strauss Orchestra take only a fifteen minute intermission, and when they return to the stage André always teases the people who are late coming back to their seats. The cameras get shots of some of them as they search for their seat, sometimes forgetting where it is. This is quite fun, and sometimes very funny, and it can take five to ten minutes before everyone is seated and the program can resume.
In Edmonton, my good friend John Berry provided an unexpected turn of events. He and his wife Mirna were sitting next to me for the concert which was their first. At the beginning of intermission, John went to the concession.
When the orchestra and André did their usual late-comer tease, André said "Okay, is everybody back?" And then here came John, carrying drinks. He had bought one for himself, one for Mirna and one for me.
Well, there he was on the big screens. When John saw himself up there, he walked up to André and handed him a glass of wine. André said, "What is it?" John hollered back "red wine." André didn't drink it, but the orchestra and everyone absolutely cracked up in laughter.


  1. Steph Padgett13 September, 2011

    Lovely story, and shows what a good sport he is for accepting the wine. I would like to know who was the person who did without their wine?lol.

  2. That was soooo funny! Bet André had least expected that the latecomer would "challenge" HIM back. Thanks John for creating such a memorable fun moment. Al, your loosing the drink was well worth it :)

  3. What a spontaneous, funny moment that was! Andre handed the wine to someone in the orchestra, reminding him, "Remember, it's mine!" I wonder who drank it.

  4. Yes it is moments like that you remember forever.What a laugh.
    Liz Perth
