Oct 8, 2011

André Rieu A Privilege To Make People Happy


CHAPEAU MAGAZINE: During the concerts on the Vrijthof and afterwards while watching them again on Television, I once more realized what a privileged individual I am by making so many people happy with our music. When you look at those images from the Vrijthof and see how intense the people live along, sing along, yes and even play along and even stand there conducting, that is so wonderful to see: they are totally immersed in the music and for a few hours they totally forget their problems. That is so incredibly beautiful; it really gives you goose bumps. It makes me feel happy and that gives so much joy in life.
We were again extremely lucky with the weather during our Vrijthof concerts. Although the summer was really awful, only one of the six concerts we performed, fell in the water, but not literally though. Although it rained the entire evening, there was not one single concertgoer who left. Everyone stayed and experienced under their poncho, with no more than a few soggy shoes, a very wonderful evening.
I myself found this year again to be a great experience. It was obviously very special since Sir Anthony Hopkins came all the way over to Maastricht to listen to our concerts and experience the Dutch premier of his waltz "And the Waltz goes on". He was unbelievable enthusiastic and said he had never experienced anything like it. For my orchestra and I, that of course is a great compliment. It was nice to see how he sat amidst the audience on the square really enjoying himself. We have become close friends; in some way we each clicked. We call and send text messages regularly and in the meantime he has sent me other music. I also want to review that. How everything will turn out, I do not know yet, but it feels good to work with him, and that gives a creative boost which we both find agreeable.
What strikes me is that the concerts on the Vrijthof are becoming ever more international. People from truly all over the world come to Maastricht. This year there were 78 nationalities. They may not even have seen me in their own country, but they definitely want to come to the Vrijthof and experience how I play in my own city. That they do not understand the Maastricht dialect apparently does not bother them. They come for the music and atmosphere.
Next Year we will move back to the First and Second Weekend of July ... (Maastricht 2012 Concert dates, July 6,7,8 and 13, 14, 15) 
Organizational wise it is a lot easier and it does make a difference to a lot of people who have not yet gone on vacation. This time we had to take into consideration the Holy Shrine Procession, which we happily did, and that for me was again an inspiration for the configuration of the program. Every year I like to reference to something that is happening in Maastricht or its environment.
And yes, after many years I was finally able to really enjoy a holiday. At least, whatever my meaning of holidays is. No, we did not lie on the beach, that’s not for me. And we did not visit any foreign countries or cities, since I'm already on the road the entire year. We stayed nicely at home, although we actually did spend one day at sea. Ha-ha. Primarily I stayed at home and practiced my violin, wonderful. And of course together with Marjorie we worked on new ideas. "The Waltz Goes On" but then of course without pressure or deadlines, that does make a difference. The office was closed so a lot fewer telephone calls and messages. That in itself was already a vacation.
►The Public at the Vrijthof concerts is becoming more International
But now we are fully back and underway; America, Mexico, England, Brazil. And now the necessary air miles are coming back into play. But we will also perform closer to home. In December, we perform another concert in the Gelredome, which will also include the spectacular act of Mirusia Louwerse flying through the air like Mary Poppins. The Limburgers who stay at home will not have to lose sight of us. On Saturday October 1, our new special "Wien, du stadt meiner Träume" (Vienna, you City of my Dreams) will be aired by ZDF, one of the most beautiful recordings we've ever made. And then a new Christmas special will be aired on Christmas Eve, also by ZDF, "Weihnachten bin ich zu Haus" (At Christmastime I will be Home) totally recorded in our castle "De Torentjes" (the towers) in Maastricht. And because St. Peter wanted to do something special because of that one Vrijthof concert, he made it snow here in August. A little early? Maybe yes, but winter had come a little early this year anyway .......... André
Thanks to Ineke for sending this and John's Translation of it


  1. A huge thanks to Ineke,John & Sue for this article and the welcome dates!!!

    Dee in Perth

  2. G'day Andre,
    Yes, you music lights up our lives!
    Since meeting you after the 11Oct Melbourne Concert,(we gave your Roos in you violin case, a friend, Kanga & Rieu -joey) we got the news that Dave (hubby) was close to genetic kidney failure. I'm a 98-99% compatible live donor! Yay! So on the 26th Oct, Dave will be getting one of my kidneys. We plan to take our anroid phones with your music on them - to listen to before/after the operations. During the last few months, the JSO music has been wonderful for relaxing, enjoymnet, fun and above a healing sense of calm. thank you so much for giving us your music. We look forward to seeing & meeting you again in Melbourne. All the best, Wendy & Dave Laing.

  3. Gary M. Bourret09 October, 2011

    As much as we love Andre's musical
    creations, we sincerely hope maestro feels two-way joyful feedback. Can now see why he identifies with Michael Jackson so
