Dec 6, 2011

André Rieu Shown on UK Television "Loose Women"

André did an interview on the UK television show "Loose Women" today.Thank you to Mike W. for recording it for us as it can't be shown in the US and Canada ...


  1. Thanks for sharing this interesting interview, not that we heard anything new, but 4 women PLUS Andre, who all tried to talk at the same time, THIS is interesting, and grand finale was when Andre corrected the no. saying "35 million...", he's like a cute little kid! LOVE this man!

  2. I agree with you Alice, he is like a 'cute kid'. He thoroughly enjoys life to the full and helps us to do likewise.
    Thanks for sharing the Interview.

  3. who does carol mcgiffen think she is...some kind of gorgeous beauty, when Andre asked her if he could show her how to waltz she snubbed him and looked horrified as if to say how dare he ask ME , and that she was away for christmas,!!! you are very rude carol and its time you left this show. This man is a GENIUS and deserves a little more respect
