Jan 20, 2012

Rieu's Maastricht 2012 Concert Dates Released

For 8th Year In a Row Rieu Will Be in Maastricht
From Maastricht Aktueel: On Friday 22, Saturday 23 and Sunday, June 24, Andre Rieu and his Johann Strauss Orchestra will give a series of outdoor concerts on the Vrijthof.
Dates and Times will be:
Friday, June 22, 2012, 21:00 CET
Saturday, June 23, 2012, 22:00 CET
Sunday, June 24, 2012, 21:00 CET
Tickets are on sale via:  www.andrerieu.com  VVV offices and all Primera, and will start 21 January @ 10:00 CET. (Central European Time) Gold member sales are currently in effect and will end 21 January @ 9:00 AM CET

It looked as though the concerts on the Vrijthof this year would not take place because of the overwhelming success in Brazil. "I think it is important to honor this annual tradition and have therefore decided to return from Brazil and change the eventual other concerts to a later time." According to Andre Rieu.

This year again Rieu will transform the famous square into a grand, romantic open-air concert hall with room for about ten thousand people. Fans can enjoy an unforgettable evening of captivating waltzes, classical music, operetta and musicals, to unique performances by Andre Rieu and his orchestra, famous soloists and special guest artists.

"We play all over the world, but I think it is always nice and special coming back to Maastricht. It's really a home game. Playing on the most beautiful square in the Netherlands for my friends, family and my grandchildren in the audience! " according to Rieu. "We have been busy with preparations. I divulge nothing, but this year we are making it a special festival, that's for sure!"

Thanks to John who was up at 4:30 in the morning to post this for all of us!!


  1. Ah, this is not good for people who had already started booking flights and all, but for me this is actually the best choice, since due to the nature of my work I hever have a chance to go in July!

    I am sorry, everyone who had counted on July. I hope yuo can rearrange everything, but it looks like I will finally have my first Vrijthof experience!

    The best to everyone,

  2. Lets hope that the dates for 2013Maastricht concerts are officialy published in October. Also the tickets should also be available to be purchased. This will allow the fans who travel thousands of miles to make their arrangements and have peace of mind. However the fans mus realise that they are so lucky to have access to Andre. No other mega star is so unselfish. He now needs to travel worldwide he is responsible for so many employees and the costs to support them are astronomical. So please cherish this dear man and the his organisation he truly loves his fans. Carol

  3. I don't care when they are published 2013 or infinity, I am not going to Maastricht again, so I won't have to worry about arranging flights.I am more looking forward to old friends I met in 2009.

    Liz Perth Western Austalia

  4. I got my tickets! See you all in Maastricht, maybe!


  5. I'm with you Liz! Meeting old friends is nice, especially in Maastricht, but making new friends there would be quite impossible for me now. I work in a foreign exchange company and I don't think I need more stress from making arrangement to see Andre. Let's see if we do meet in HK! If Andre's not there for a published date, at least my sister will be there and I don't have to pay for hotel! I might just have to miss La Chine and Gaucho's steak forever.

  6. I´m from Argentina, and I was planning to go, but there not so good seats available. Does anyone knows if those 3 nights are going to be the only ones, or if there maybe 3 mores the next weekend?

    Thanks in advance!

  7. There won't be any more Vrijthofshows than the three announced. After these, Andre'll go back to South America to continue his tour.
    So buy them if you want to go!
    Kristel Plath

  8. Kristel,

    Are you 100% sure that there aren´t new dates? because the WebContact of Andre´s page told my that it´s not sure if there would be more or no.

    Thanks from Argentina.


  9. Yup! But you can believe the help desk of course, if that feels better for you. Good luck making your decision and have a great weekend whatever you choose.

    xx Kristel.

  10. Anyone looking for a Hotel, may I recommend the GOLDEN TULIP APPLE PARK ?
    It's about a 5 mins driver from Town, or a taxi ride, not sure if they are fully booked, yet, and they are not the cheapest, BUT you will NOT be disappointed with the Hotel and it's Staff :-)

  11. Whatever seat you get in Maastricht it will be an event to remember, last year we had A3 and C3, C3 was not as good, but the atmosphere and music made up for that and more !

  12. Will there be a live video of the Maastricht concert in local movie theatres? Here in Australia we had it last year and enjoyed it so much. I hope we can have it again this year.
    Veronica Garnier

  13. Will there be a live video of the Maastricht concert in local movie theatres? Here in Australia we had it last year and enjoyed it so much. I hope we can have it again this year.
    Veronica Garnier

  14. Hope to make Maastricht in 2013, this year i'm going to the concert in Glasgow.
