Jan 27, 2012

Criticism of The New Rieu Maastricht Dates

Collaborating Hotels: Many rooms to be given up Theater: Changing performances
Criticism of The New Rieu Dates
MAASTRICHT - By Stefan Gybles: The Maastricht Hotel owners, united through the Collaborating Hotels Organization (SAHOT) criticized the changing of the Rieu concert dates towards the end of June. According to SAHOT, the hotels rooms for that particular period are almost booked solid. Furthermore, if Rieu decides to perform during the last weekend in June, there are only a handful of rooms still available, according to the president of the SAHOT organization, Antoine Scheerens. "He will be in conflict with the start of the Tour de France in Liège. Many hotels have already reserved rooms for this event" says Scheerens. 
Rieu performs on the Vrijthof the weekend of June 22nd. Should the ticket sales be successful, the orchestra leader would than possibly add the last weekend of June to his concert series. Rieu moved his concerts to the end of June due to his concert series in Brazil.
Scheerens says he is sorry there has been no discussion. "We built a good relationship with him, but it has become very one-sided with Rieu." Spokesperson for Rieu, Kerstin Cornelis says "It was not clear why there should have been a discussion." "We can not take everything into account. For us it was most important to find a date that would fit in our plans. To discuss that with every one you would lose focus." 
Also in the Theater on the Vrijthof, there was criticism, although less than with the hotel owners.The theater already had planned performances for that particular weekend, including one with the LSO (Limburg Symphony Orchestra). The restaurant part had also been reserved. "Not very nice, but that is the way it is" said business director of the theater Jos Spauwen. " We. together with the City Council are now in discussion with Rieu as to how we can resolve this problem.  
"The Tourist Information Office (VVV) has according to their spokesperson Janne Baetsen not received any complaints. "The fans who had reserved for July, we were able to rebook."
Thanks to John for Translating this for us


  1. Steph Padgett27 January, 2012

    Not sure what they mean about resloving it, they will still be full and making money. If the council did not want him to do those dates they could have said no!

  2. Just to be clear on this article, it's not about the City Council. This is from the Hotel Owners Organization and Theater on the Vrijthof.

  3. I was in Maastricht today for the Bell Concert and I spoke to several hotel/restaurant managers who were not happy with the inconsistency of information, released by ARP. At first was spoken about two weekends, now it seems to be one weekend only,(for Andre announced to perform in Brazil on July 3,4,5).

  4. It is not true that fans were able to rebook. We had plans all made to attend on the dates that were stated in an article by Andre months ago but we can't change our dates now due to other commitments. I think there were a lot of unhappy people - just because they didn't complain to the tourist board (it wasn't their doing, after all!) doesn't mean that everything is OK. I'm sure lots of people have complained to Andre's organisation - but they are not going admit that are they! I feel sorry for Andre's spokes person who is stuck in the middle and has to say what she is told...

  5. I was able to change my hotel reservation for July as soon as I knew that they probably would change the concert to the last week end on June. I maintain the reservation for July and cancelled it when I knew for sure about the change.
    But I could do this because the reservation was online and not a prepaid one. And I live in Spain so it's no difficult to go to the Netherlands.
    Luckily I didn't book the flight until now, when I know for sure the day I must go there and I have my ticket.
    But I understand all the people that can't change so easily their plans.
    And I wonder what did or what will do the ticket company from the Netherlands that was selling tickets for a concert on July 14, a date absolutely created by them ...

  6. concerts MAASTRICHT 29/06 30/06
    KINDS REGARDS Brigitte

  7. Dear SUE
    2 we MAASTRICHT29/06?30/06?
    Thank you Kinds REGARDS

  8. dear SUE
    Thank you News concerts MAASTRICHT


  9. To Brigitte:
    Your statement is rather unclear. Are you inquiring about 29/6 and 30/6 concerts? If so, we are not aware of any concerts for these dates. Todate there has been no mention by Andre Rieu Productions of additional Maastricht concerts for the weeked of 29 and 30 Jun. If and when new concert dates are to be released by Andre Rieu Productions, we will post them as soon as we find out.
