Jan 17, 2012

Great Uncertainty About Concerts of André Rieu on The Vrijthof

Great Uncertainty About André Rieu Concerts on The Vrijthof
January 17, 2011 Maastricht dichtbig Newspaper: There was a huge influx of messages on the Internet last week,in particularly the social media networks like Twitter and Face book: "Great uncertainty about the acclaimed concerts of Andre Rieu on the Vrijthof." These concerts would out of necessity have been advanced due unexpected successes of the stand-alone violinist in Brazil, where twelve concerts in the city of Sao Paulo were sold out in no time at all. It was reported that the interest was so great that it was envisioned to continue the concert series in this South American country into July, which would then automatically place the Vrijthof performances under pressure. 
The Maastricht Tourist Board received hundreds of telephone calls from concerned Rieu fans from at home and abroad, many who had arranged their holiday schedules to match with the weekends that the maestro would perform in his own city. What was true? And what was not? Were the concerts moved or were they - like a few suggested - not moved at all? Apparently no one, who knew the proper answer, could or would clarify this. The city municipality does not know, the tourist board does not know, the entrepreneurs of the Vrijthof don't, and least of all, André Rieu Productions.
Last Friday, the Mayor and the Maastricht superstar would give an explanation together. At least that was the assertion, but even that claim was wrong. Apparently the city of Maastricht is fed up with all the confusion about the moving of dates. Through Facebook the city tries to quell the rumors. There is only one thing clear and that is: that there is still no clarity, according to their rapid publication in both English and Dutch ... "In response to all reports about the concert of André Rieu in Maastricht on the Vrijthof: We have read your posts/messages. Once there is more clarity and the exact concert dates are known and definite, André Rieu Will publish the dates.
André rules Maastricht! We too will have to live with that rule for a while. As soon as more is known, we will pass that information on to you as soon as possible.
Thanks to Ineke for sending this and John Translating it!


  1. Do you really think he would do that to his own town that he proclaims to love so much? They need to stop the nonsense and give the dates. I don't blame the various agencies, vendors and town itself for being fed up.


  2. Do what to his own town?


  3. This is getting really scary for the fans who have booked, I hope our South African concerts are not affected. Cheryll

  4. Whenever it is, it will be worth the wait, and if it is in June... we simply wn't have to wait so long!

  5. It is all about the MONEY!!! His loyality ends where your pocket book begins - and don't think otherwise. I am done dealing with this "artist".

    Reality Talking

  6. He is simply trying to get as many people to see him as he can, in my view, so that 'may' need a revision of the Maastricht dates, or may not, they were never on the wesbite, only mentioned in a magazine column, albeit his! I suppose we should be more concerned with overdoing it, rather than what week he will be in Maastricht!

    If he overeggs it, he may never be able to play again, so what it worse, a nfew hiccups over dates or health ?

  7. I have to disagree with both your comments Swills. Firstly, if the concerts are in June thousands of fans will be affected even if it means that you get to see Andre earlier than anticipated. Secondly, If Andre is following doctor's orders then he should realise that taxing himself by returning to Brazil is not in his best interests. In his article dated October 8th he confirmed the Maastricht dates and since he is generally a man of his word, the greater majority of fans placed their faith in him. I assume that you have not laid out thousands of dollars, euros or pounds on flights and accommodation.

  8. Joëlle Hastir19 January, 2012

    To anonymous: well if it would be but all about money André wouldn't have accumulated those enormous debts by insisting on touring in Australia with his castle in spite of Australian rules being so severe and at the same time so expensive.
