Jan 12, 2012

Rieu Wants To Perform His Concerts End of June

Rieu Wants To Perform His Concerts The End of June

The Limburger January 13, 2012 by Stefan Gybels
Maastricht--André Rieu wants to perform his Vrijthof concerts this year during the last two weekends in June. Rieu presented this proposal to the Maastricht city council, who is now looking at the possibility of changing the concerts.
In previous years the orchestra leader performed his highly visited concerts in July. This coming summer he would like to change due to his concert performances in Brazil. Rieu will perform in Sao Paulo from 29 May to and inclusive 10 June. Since ticket sales are so enormous there, he would like to return to South America a month later according to sources.  
According to reliable sources Rieu wants to conduct his Maastricht concerts during the weekend of 22 through 24 June. If the tickets sales are successful he also wants to include the following weekend of 29 June through 1 July.  
Of notice is that the concert on 22 June and that on 1 July might again interfere with the soccer match of the Dutch soccer team. On these days the quarter final and final of the European soccer championship are being played. In 2010 Rieu's concert clashed with the World Cup final, which at that time brought on the necessary discussions.  
The city council first wants to see whether the changing of concert dates will create too many problems or not, before they give their approval.
(This is the latest information available. As soon as we find out anything more we will post it here) We are still waiting for the News Conference ... Thanks to John for finding this and Translating it immediately for everyone ...


  1. You guys are FAST! Thanks for the update. You really are on top of things and it could be a loooong night.

  2. Thanks John for the promptness though not happy to read what I did read in the article..
    Oh boy, not good at all !!!!!!!!

  3. Hope he doesn't burn any bridges if he changes the dates to June. My accommodation was booked from 4-13 July so I don't think I'll be going now. Can't really afford it any more anyway. Thanks for keeping us all up to date. Oh well I guess he'll keep some of his fans happy. Can't please all of the people all of the time.

  4. Sorry, I forgot to sign off..

    Still living in hope for the July dates to stick.


  5. I am not happy about the latest news really. For a start it seems to me that Andre is pushing himself too hard, but I am sure he can figure that out for himself. I am concerned that he is losing sight of what is sensible right now. He seems to be trying to please everybody. I thought that the Maastricht Concerts were very special to him.

    Having sorted out Maastricht accommodation from 4-11 July, I don't like my chances of changing that, nor do I fancy having to start all over again. At the moment 2013 looks a better time for me. Unless Andre returns to Oz then. Ha ha!

  6. Of Course Andre can have his concerts in Maastricht anytime he wants beit, June, July or August (all should be sunny!) but with the past 5 concerts being in July, then it was 'expected' to be July again, now I have no issues with changing months, BUT he really needed to get the info out much earlier, even if it was "May not be July" quite a few have pre-empted the announcement and made bookings based on previous years, which I have too to a certain extent!
    Let us hope he does not bite the hand that feeds him !
    OFFICIAL news needs to be made available by AR Productions now, if not yesterday type thing!
    Far from slowing down, he seems to be ignoring his Doctors advice.

    If you can't do as much in Brazil as you want this year... try 2013 :-) But don't rile the fans from Europe and the like who will, or could spend thousands to see you in the Netherlnds.

  7. Have to agree with the previous comment about doing more Brazil concerts in 2013.. and why not? it will still be there !! then the Maastricht dates in July could go on as was previously announced.
    Feeling very let down just now.


  8. feel very let down by andre ,have booked hotel bought air tickets all paid for just to change air flights will cost my husband and myself 140 pounds , this was to be a very special treat, theres only a certain amount of money in the pot so please andre think of your fans i think you will be surprised about all of this, from pat west swindon england
