Feb 23, 2012

Interview Kerstin Cornelis, Spokesperson For André Rieu

Interview With Kerstin Cornelis, Spokesperson For André Rieu
February 23, 2012
Kerstin: Sorry to say that the concerts for this week and next week have also been postponed. People ask every time why the postponement notifications are made at the very last minute, but André of course would rather not disappoint his fans, and he would like nothing better than to be on stage. But it is important, and he is the only one who can say how he feels, and so he decided that it is still too soon. 
►Interviewer: What is his reasoning for it being too soon?
Kerstin: Yes, a few weeks ago, André suffered from a severe flu, from which he did not recover as quickly as expected, and now it appears that he is suffering from "burnout". We just did the Christmas special where we started taping in August/September, and with all the preparations involved with this huge TV show, everything went well into December. His energy reserves have run down and he is now exhausted, for which the only remedy is rest, which is one thing he does not do. We hear of rumors that André is very sick in bed, but that is not the case. André goes to the baker's and butcher's, and everything is going good with him, but currently he is overtired and has to listen to his body.  
►Interviewer: There was talk that he was suffering from the flu, or a viral infection again, or ear problems, is there any truth in that?
Kerstin: No, in 2010 he had a virus infection on his equilibrium and that of course is now again the rumor, but that will always remain to be a problem area, and now since he has become ill again, due to the flu or of being exhausted, this again plays a major part in his well being, and he has to be very careful with that. To be on stage is like a top sport and you have to be quite fit, and it is important that you feel good, but it is not the same as what he experienced in 2010. 
►Interviewer: When do you think he will be his old self again?
Kerstin: We are planning to be on tour again on March 6th in France.
Thanks To Ineke for sending this and John Translating it for us.


  1. Thank you so much for the update. It is reassuring to hear Andre is not seriously ill and just needs rest. We hope he takes all the time he needs to heal.

  2. Thank you very much for this news folks.. how good to hear from Kerstin and to learn how Andre is in fact doing.


  3. Thanks so much for the update. Andre and the JSO need to stop and smell the roses for a while - they have been working flat out for so long, it must catch up with them. Take your time Andre, we will wait for you. love & best wishes from Val & Vic. Friendship Group xx

  4. Andre's health is the most important- and that of his wonderful family and of course the orchestra members. I hope Andre rests as long as necessary- his fans will wait for him. Let's wish them all the best- Jennifer D.

  5. Hope you feel 100% soon, Andre, & make sure you get plenty of R & R between concerts ;-)
    Your fans can wait until you are fully fit again.
    all the best from Wendy & Dave Laing, Melbourne.

  6. Now I am not sure who will agree with me on this one....! I am sure there are many of us that Andre has helped us through difficult times, I know he has for myself and my wife, there is always a rainbow that appears when Andre and the JSO appear on TV, or you go to a concert, your spirits are lifted, even if it is for a few hours, now Andre is poorly, he must also be worrying about ougoings, even doing nothing costs thousands, so maybe if everyone of Andre's fans bought just one item from his webshop, that would be income for him and the JSO in general...... maybe not a lot, but every little helps!

    well just a thought that crossed my mind last night.

    :-) xxxx to all
