Apr 24, 2012

Carmen will be performing this June in Maastricht! She will also be touring again with André later this year.
Mirusia will be going solo this July in Australia. But she shall also tour with André every now and then in the future.
It's nice that André supports the sopranos to pursue a career of their own, but they are also welcome to tour with him now and then ... We will miss Mirusia, but wish her all the best! And we look forward to seeing Carmen on tour again.


  1. Oh, great news that Carmen is coming back to perform with the JSO! I LOVE her singing and think she is a very talented performer. From opera to pop, she can do it! Probably jazz too, who knows? Hopefully she'll join the U.S. tour next year!
    Best of luck to Mirusia- hope to see you again on tour soon too!
    Jennifer D.

  2. Quel bonheur de revoir CARMENàMAASTRICHT ainsi que Mirusia Elles sont si talentueses & modestes
    BRAVOpour leur carriere solo mais je suis si heureuse de lesrevoir ds le JOS

  3. Grandi applausi per il ritorno di Carmen. Si sentiva , nei concerti, la sua mancanza !

  4. WOW!! First Carla, and now Carmen! What wonderful news. Had it not been for Andre, we never would have known about those marvelous talented sopranos. I'm delighted.

    Al Girard

  5. Oh, now I am extra bummed I will not be in Maastricht this year. Mom will be with me all summer and I do like that, but will miss Carmen and Carla. Will be there again next year.

  6. Absolutely thrilled to bits .. both Carla and Carmen in Maastricht this year, that's the icing on the cake for me !!


  7. Fantastic news that Carmen is returning and absolute relief to us Aussies that Mirusia will continue to tour with Andre too. Thanks so much for the update, translations etc.
    We would be lost without you all.

    cheeRIEU from Val :)

  8. Like, Sonja, I am bummed to miss Maastricht this year. Can't change my schedule. Trying to figure out if we can do something in Europe in the fall.
    Wish Mirusia well, but so thrilled that BOTH Carmen and Carla will return to tour.
    I remember Andre, promoting in the PBS station in Trenton, NJ, way back in 2003 (with Live in Dublin) and he was getting station raves about Carmen and Carla. He agreed that their talent was extraordinary and added that he was delighted to give them a start on their careers. So every time they appear with him, I think, "What a nagnificent gift to us!!!"


  9. That's me, Laurie, writing about the sopranos.
    Still having trouble with this 'newer' program.
    Anyway, just overjoyed that both Carmen and Carla will again rejoin Andre.

    Laurie Crowley

  10. Great news! But don't forget our beloved CARLA MAFFIOLETTI, she brings joy and smiles to all of us!!! Looking forward to Maastricht!!!

  11. This is great news, Carmen and Carla back again with Andre in Maastricht. I will bring with me Brazilians they know to see them.
    I am very happy as well.
    Arie Bussemaker
