May 1, 2012


  1. Lana, Tasmania01 May, 2012

    Wishing Mirusia much success as she moves forward. What a wonderful experience she has had over 5 years with Andre Rieu. That should certainly set her up for a great future. A wonderful grounding for such a wonderful voice. I hope we can all keep in touch with her development in the future. Lana.

  2. What a stunning photo of Mirusia. She is a gorgeous young woman with a voice to match. We will all miss her with Andre - they always seemed to have such a wonderful rapport together. We look forward to your return tours, similar to Carmen and Carmel. In the meantime, welcome home. xx Val :)

  3. It's a great photo isn't it Val. Mirusia has used it on her MySpace and Facebook ... Our John took it of her in 2009. :)

  4. Anonymous01 May, 2012

    Mirusia, wishing you every success as you follow the next part of your career. Your family must truly be delighted for you to be home. Many are so pleased it is in your home country. You are just so special. Looking forward to being present in Melbourne
    Dale Q.

  5. I hope Mirusia's moving back to Australia doesn't mean she disappears from Andre's concert totally. I'm happy for her as she's much closer to her family, but she's the kind of lovely girl whom anyone would miss, especially those who've met her, like me. Best Wishes to my Charlie's Angel!

  6. GM Bourret01 May, 2012

    Mirusia will be missed by USA fans but one fine day she may surprise us with a few concerts with Andre or otherwise. It really is amazing when you total up the JSO concerts she performed and always excelled.Think we first saw her at Grand Rapids,Michigan in 2007. I will be curious to see what new songs Mi selects as her career evolves. Think the dryer climate of
    Aussieland agrees with her more especially in winter.

  7. Well Sue, thank John for taking such a photo! I think it is one we can all keep and treasure. I'm really proud Mirusia is an Aussie. I also hope she continues to share herself with the rest of the World. Perhaps after she has a break, back home! xx Val :)

  8. I too wish Mirusia the very best. I have enjoyed following her career with Andrea and the JSO. I have to admit very time one of his "children " for lack of a better word, leaves my eyes filling with tears. She has brought so much joy to world as has Andre and the JSO.But she will be back from time to time.Have fun Mirusia. Love Deborah

  9. Anonymous02 May, 2012

    I hope she gets really sucessful so that she doesn't have to come back to Andre. It always makes me a little sad for people who left and then come back again later. It always makes me think (wrongly, I hope) that their career is not going as well as they thought it would go :-(.
    So get a really really really succesfull career Mirusia, (Mi? Seriously? I mean... SERIOUSLY?) and it would be nice to see you back at some jubilee show (Andre 40 years on stage!) in the far future, but I hope for you that it won't be necessary/


  10. Carol Malvern UK02 May, 2012

    A lovely young and talented lady. I am sure she will succeed in her new career her voice is perfection. I am sure Andre will miss her but he has completed helping in her to develop her true potential. Best wishes for the future.


  11. brigitte02 May, 2012

    Dear MIRUSIA
    Belle carriere solo,mais j"espere de tout coeur que vous reviendrez aux concerts d"André RIEUque vous illuminez
    Merci pour votre talent&gentillesse

  12. GM Bourret04 May, 2012

    For Laura- Mi is the nickname Laura Engel (different Laura?) former JSO choir member used for Mirusia. So, I use it once in a while too. SERIOUSLY!!!

  13. GM Bourret04 May, 2012

    Laura Engel of JSO Choir used "Mi"
    on Twitter for Mirusia. Could have musical basis such as Do-Re-Mi from
    Sound of Music (Was that a Mirusia favorite?). Also music notes: Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do. Don't know if above was Ms Engel's rationale or
    something else.
