May 31, 2012

Suely's André Rieu Concert in Sao Paulo, Brazil 
São Paulo (Brazil) Suely Kawana – After two weeks of personal excitement, counting down the days and posting texts and videos in the fan pages, the big day finally arrived. The first concert of André Rieu and The Johann Strauss Orchestra in São Paulo, also first in South America, was a huge success!! While entering in Ginásio do Ibirapuera, I remembered all my friends from Europe, South Africa and Mexico who wished to be in my pocket. “It is finally happening!”, I said to myself. “My dream come true.” I saw the piano and commented with the ladies in front of me: “Stephanie’s piano!” 
I arrived very early and could walk around the Ginásio. Surprise! Ruud (trombone), Noël and two more colleagues were walking around too. Also I could see some girls with curls in the hair. Two more surprises were waiting for me inside. Bela come in my direction and I say “Hi, Bela!” A man told me Frank also is there. At that moment, I saw Jean-Pierre posing for photos and rushed to him. Great! Took some photos. The TV crew also interviewed him and Frank. I shake hands with Frank.
Almost full house and the night was warm and nice. “Spring Voices” starts the concert. I was in the third row, right in front of my dear Tanja! So good to hear the sound of the orchestra live! Enthusiastic applauses. I stand up and wave to my friend in the orchestra. She sees me, smile, wave with her head. I am happy! André did his home work and talks to the crowd in Portuguese, English, sometimes Spanish. The audience helps him when he has in trouble and can’t find the word. To me, it seemed he was talking without electronic help. 
The first laughs come with “The Skaters Waltz”, the third music played, followed by an Italian song new to me sung by the Platin Tenors. Ah, Nessum Dorma!! They sing so beautifully! 
André says how he is happy to play music. Manoe puts the crowd on fire with Hava Naguila and I think to myself: Did André accept my suggestion to play it here because we have a big Jewish community in São Paulo? Then, André made his magic and made snow over our heads. General laugh. 
The orchestra plays Happy Birthday. Oh, I know who is about to step in the stage! Dear Carla and her Doll Aria! Lovely and joyful performance as always and she receives a standing applause. First non-classic music: Ballade pour Adeline played by Stephanie. 
Carla, Carmen and Kimmy plus the Platin Tenors sing “Tanzen möcht' ich” and close the first part of the concert. I knew Kimmy was here but keep the secret to the debut. 
After 15 minutes of interval, the second half starts with that anvil polka and more laugh. Kimmy, the Black Diamond, enchants with the Ave Maria. Vien Blood, the second waltz of the day, makes me dance in my chair and the big hall of a palace is seen on the big screen behind the orchestra. Ah, André announce an Italian song I love: Non Ti Scordar Di Me sung by the tenors. 
André says how music can heal. To my surprise, he tells Manoe had overcome a breast cancer! I don’t know when it was…She receives a warm applause and plays Amazing Grace, that I love!! 
André remembers how he was impressed some years ago when he got to know a beautiful soprano with whom he has recorded many DVDs. It is time to Carmen plays her role in Habanera. 
Oh, my wish was fulfilled!! The first notes of “Manhã de Carnaval” are heard and Carla on guitar is followed by Carmen and Kimmy in the stage. I sing together. Love so much this song!
André says he is curious to see the reaction of Brazilian fans to the Blue Danube. Oh, my compatriots are disappointing me….Just a man with his little daughter in his arms and a couple have courage to dance. I incite people near me to go and dance. Slowly some more couples occupy the aisle, thanks God!! And so do I though I am alone. But to my surprise a fellow member of the Brazilian fan page finds me and we dance together. We can’t disappoint André. I was in front the stage and more people joined us to take photos. The rain of balloons starts. The soloists and the tenors sing Hallelluja to finish the presentation. I sing together too. Love it. 
But the crowd wants more. Adieu, Adieu. From this point till the end, I can’t remember the sequence. We are all so happy!! Brazil Symphony, Tico-tico no Fubá, Ai Se Eu Te Pego, makes us dance. People are not shy anymore! Tanja enjoys people dancing, I wave to her, she sees me and I blow her a kiss. She smiles even more!! I love her! 
End. But the crowd shouts “Por que parou, parou por quê? Por que parou, parou por quê?” (Why stopped, stopped why?). It is a popular way here to ask for Encores. And André and the orchestra plays again the hit of Michel Teló. This time it is really The End. What a pity: it was so good!! Thanks André and Orchestra: the long wait was worth it! 
But I wanted more and waited for the musicians to come out. It was almost 1:00 AM. Finally, they came one by one. Unfortunately, I couldn’t talk to André. I asked Jean-Pierre to give my gifts to his father, talked to my friend, gave a warm hug to Carla – oh, she is so cute, so tiny, it is so nice to embrace her!  I told Manoe how happy I was she had overcome cancer – she said she is healthy now – and said a quick “Hi” to Tanja. 
Time to go back home. But my long day is not over yet and you all know why. My friends are waiting for my report. I don't want to disappoint them.
CLICK HERE To See Photos of The May 29th Concert 
Thank you to Suely for writing this report for all fans everywhere when she was so tired and had to be up to go to work the next day! Plus she had another concert that night ... Thank you Suely! :-)


  1. For those who didn't know, Suely wrote her "report" late at night (or should I say early morning???)right after the first concert. GREAT job, Suely1! Hope you'll get some sleep soon....and sweet dreams :)

  2. Anonymous01 June, 2012

    Thank you Suely, we loooooved to read your story!!

  3. Anonymous03 June, 2012

    Thank you Sue for such a beautiful experience, you make us feel as though we were actually there. Hope you are able to now get a little rest and be relaxed for Maastricht. Dale Q
    Victorian Friendship Group
