Jun 18, 2012

André Rieu on LI Maastricht

Here is the first show from L1 in Maastricht from André's concerts in Brazil. John is on his way to Maastricht and Ineke and Ruud are getting ready to leave for Maastricht, so there's not time to do the subtitles. Here is a little synopsis from Ineke and Sonja of the important things that are said in the interview. Even although it's in Dutch, it's still great to watch and you have an idea what they are talking about now.
INEKE: André will be going back to Brazil in September: One week in Sao Paulo and one week in Rio de Janeiro. After that more Brazilian cities will follow. Then next Argentina and Venezuela. He is travelling with a crew of 110. He learned from his illness to start small, (normal concert) and make a profit first. The idea is to bring the Schoenbrunn Castle to Rio to perform on the Copa Cabana. Rio did that once before with the Rolling Stones. It will be a great performance with free admission. The Vrijthof Concerts in between Brazil now will be with the theme of the 25th Anniversary of the JSO.
SONJA: I just watched it and yes, that is what they are talking about. André says how dumb he has been to let his health slip and not to exercise and let his weight creep up. That when he got sick he could have retired, but he just loves performing too much. He worked hard to get back in shape and will not let it slip again. He is feeling great.
They already are making arrangements for more concerts in South America, but that does not mean they will not perform in other places. Pierre talks about the free concert in Copa Cabana, that would be organized by the city. The same way the city had done it before ... and that would be with Schoenbrunn. He adds that dreaming is good. So that is still in the early planning stages. (After all they had planned something like that for the US too.) 
Carmen says how wonderful it is to sing in her home town, She has lived in Sao Paulo for 14 years when she is not on the road with André. She also says, "I did expect it to be successful, but this is more then even she expected. Everyone interviewed was gushing about the concerts and about André.
Click HERE To Watch The Video of Interview 
(Click on the little Square to watch it Full Screen)


  1. Anonymous18 June, 2012

    In this video you can see two new choir members: Louisa Yalden and Claire Haenen. They replace Judith and Virgenie who are enjoying maternity leave at the moment. To see their pictures, go to our updated JSO photoshow on our website, under photoshows, part 2.

  2. Anonymous18 June, 2012

    Claire is not a new member though, she used to be a part of tha choir for a few years about 10 years ago already, and then she left and got married and had some kids :)

