Jun 19, 2012

Maastricht June 19, 2012 The Limburg
No MECC Escape This Year in Maastricht. Ineke read in the Limburg newspaper today, June 19th: "This year Rieu will Not use the MECC (Conference Center) as an escape for heavy weather."


  1. Anonymous19 June, 2012

    In addition to Vicky Leandros Andre will also have Vader Abraham as a guest. And the Staar, of course, but they're like a habit by now :-).

  2. I was there the year Vicky was with him and I really wasn't crazy about her. But if you're right and Vader Abraham being there, I would love to see him!! I'm sure the fans will be excited to hear him along with André, sing the Red Rose Cafe. Many of us have gone to the cafe in Hoorn and it's really special ... now to hope for good weather!! At least dry ... : )

  3. Anonymous20 June, 2012

    Yes, Father Abraham will be fun. He also wrote the smurf song, they may play that too. I hope for good weather. The forecast is not all that good. Looks like last year. Thursday the forecast is for a lot of rain then it tapers off. Temp in the high 60s low 70s during the day.

  4. Anonymous20 June, 2012

    We're really enjoying our family from Michigan being here for the week. BUT, I do regret the conflict that prevented us from going to Maastricht. Sounds like a great concert. I remember when Vicky Leandros sang some years back. I did enjoy her renditions . . . especially when Ruud revealed her age the next morning. A fan the night before commented that if you're not young and pretty, you don't work for Andre and Ruud's comment negated that statement, at least to an extent.
    Hope the available tickets are going well.
    And enjoy the concerts -- all of you that are fortunate to be there.


  5. And so, if the weather is really ' heavy' , I wonder what will happen? Prosponment would be difficult and cancellation unwanted. Let's hope for the best with the weather.

  6. Quel bonheur de revoir VICKY LEANDROS vue en2007energique & sympathiqueMerci pour les INFOS lesSTARS& CARMEN CARLA &VICKY CE SERA SIUBLIME POUR1 SOIR
