Jun 11, 2012

Still Plenty of Rieu Tickets Available in Maastricht

Rieu guesses wrong, still plenty of tickets available for the Vrijthof concerts
MAASTRICHT - June 11, 2012: The changing of the André Rieu concerts on Vrijthof to June seems to have been a bad idea. A mere two weeks before the first concert and there are still plenty of tickets for sale. This pertains to all concerts on 22, 23, 24 and 26 June. Only category 1 tickets in front of the stage are sold out. 
Ttriangular signs are now being posted in the streets of Maastricht to try and sell the extra tickets. Traditionally Rieu plays in his hometown in July, but because of his Brazilian tour, Rieu decided to move his Vrijthof Concerts to June, coinciding with the European Soccer Championships.
Thanks for the Translation John! 


  1. Carol Malvern UK11 June, 2012

    It is a real shame the concerts are
    not in July we would have certainly gone then. I think the late decision on dates muat have had an effect on people's plans. Lets hope in 2013 he will revert to July and we are informed earlier.

  2. Anonymous11 June, 2012

    I haven't seen any triangular signs yet...
    Unless they mean the ones on the laterns, but they are there every year.

    Laila Barbach

  3. Im still waiting here. Im hoping for the good.

  4. Anonymous12 June, 2012

    We would have gone in July as we have a number of times, but have a conflict that week in June, I am so sorry to miss it. Hope that they produce a DVD. They don't always. (None in 2006 and 2007. They did Schonbrunn and Radio City Music Hall in NYC. . . with DVDs in July 2006. Three very different concerts in three weeks during July of that year. I went to all three - 2 Vienna, 3 Maastricht and 1 New York and understand why there was no Maatricht DVD.)


  5. Le changement de dates ne m'a pas affectéé,je viens le 26 & andre RIEU l"avait annoncé dés Fevrier donc on peut s'organiser & ns ns en réjouissons(7eFois à MAASTRICHTdepuis 20006
    Quel bonheur
