Jul 13, 2012

André Rieu July 2012 Column Chapeau Magazine

Each day I put on my sports outfit with a big smile!
André Rieu July Column, Chapeau Magazine:In my previous column I wrote something about my 'revival', if I may mention it that way. This is particularly due to the fact that I started to work out and that I watch my diet. We are now a few months further on and I must say it really has become a way of living, a different way of living. That sounds pretty extreme, but it's true. I have always worked hard and in between work, I worked out, but not enough. And my job requires top condition. How varied my life is and there is always the habits of sneaking, but you can change them! 
My calendar is always full, but that is not to say that you cannot free up time for the really important things. It's a matter of priorities. 
Once a new habit is created, it is not so difficult. I notice now that it does not matter whether I am in Sao Paulo or Maastricht. Each morning I just take two hours off to play sports. Sometimes on my own, but usually with my coach Ruud. I am so glad that I've discovered him through my family doctor. He is doctor, nutritionist and exercise expert. And also - what a unique combination -European bench press champion! If you see him, you believe that immediately. He gives me a weekly program so that every day's work out is different. 
Sometimes there is a mandatory day of rest. The program is based on the recovery of the musculature. Yes, recovery!! Because if you are moving too little, then your muscle mass naturally decreases as from the age of 25. At my age than you have lost about 50%. That means that you are half as strong. But now, through all my training, I can upgrade to 35% recovery. Then I come to 85%. I think that's not bad for the age of 62. And I do feel the results, I'm fit on stage. That must be, because my profession is like top sports, especially when you also travel the world. 
I train with weights but not with devices and that is perfect. Many of the exercises are aimed at the so-called "corset of the body". No, do not be worry, I do not wear a corset, that would be lovely for the tabloids, ha ha! But the so-called corset is, in fact, the center of the body, where a lot of functions come together. Like breathing, I breath differently now than before. No more deeply in the lungs, but through the abdomen. That way is calmer, more balanced. I even talk differently on stage. In that way it also is more relaxing. 
I'm no less busy than before, but there is less stress, because I have myself more under control and it's very enjoyable. Besides muscle exercises I am also still running and playing tennis due to the variation. But the muscle exercises are still the base, which make you strong. My son Pierre first had his doubts, now he trains with me and he is very enthusiastic. 
Of course I am now also more aware of nutrition. With good food and as much as possible organic products, which usually have more flavor. No, not a diet, I just eat meat, fish, you name it, but in the right proportions and not excessively and I take time to eat. I have lost over 10 kilos weight. Another few kilos and I'm back to my weight of 20 years ago. It feels wonderful. And Ruud also gives me special food supplements. No, not doping, don't worry! Just ingredients which a body that has to achieve a lot needs. 
It is very interesting stuff. Too bad that I was never interested in my own condition and health before as that is the most important thing in life! I really live now much more aware, even mentally it has a positive effect. 
My enthusiasm is apparently addictive. If we are on tour, like the last weeks in Sao Paulo, I see half of the orchestra in sporting outfits each morning! One group goes to the fitness center, the other goes running. Great! I don't want to come on as a sports freak, but I think I have found the solution. Each day I put on my sports outfit with a big smile, even if I performed the night before. I feel on top. I can really recommend it!      
André Rieu
Thanks to Ineke for Translating and sending this to us


  1. Andre-
    Am so utterly proud of you and your dedication to exercise. I've been swimming laps for 20 years 5 days a week --35-40 imn. a day. I cannot live without it, as feel so great afterwards. I am in my sixities too.
    Keep up the great work. We are so glad you are back and most of all a healthy, happier YOU.

  2. I also am very proud of André for his determination and discipline in taking care of himself. It really is a lifestyle change. And having Pierre work out with him will make it even easier for him to stick with it. My daughter and I joined and gym and hired a trainer two years ago and had tremendous results within 18 months. It isn't easy for a very busy person like André to have a lot of time for exercise, but like he said, it's a matter of priorities and you just have to make time for it. Choosing healthier food and making time for enough exercise can do wonders. I'm so glad to see André is taking such good care of himself because we want to have him around for a very long time! ~Kay Berman

  3. Good Boy! Andre!
    I mostly just eat especially when I need to release some stress.
    Now I am more ashamed of myself...

  4. Anonymous13 July, 2012

    Great commernts. I agree with them all and am delighted with Andre's progress (and will power.) As Kay said, we want him around for a long time.
    And Ineke. Thanks for another great translation. You are a wonderful translator and do so much for Andre and us!!!!


  5. MERCI à INEKE pour cette traduction & ces bonnes nouvelles d"andré RIEU Quel courage & quelle volonté:le principalest de continuer tous ses concerts ds le monde & surtout rester en BONNE SANTE pour ANDRE RIEU& tous ceux qui l'aiment
