Jul 4, 2012

The Emotional Comeback of André Rieu

The Emotional Comeback of André Rieu
Weekend: July 3, 2012: His new life: more rest,  healthier food and working out. 
André Rieu is fully back. After having been disabled for months due to illness, last week he performed again on "his" Vrijthof Square in Maastricht. It was a comeback full of emotions, with the audience as well as with the orchestra conductor and his family. André has become, since he fell ill for the second time, a different person. 
André's comeback in his hometown of Maastricht, where his success started long ago, was full of uncertainties. What started as the flu, turned out to be a serious infection on his equilibrium ."Suddenly the room started to spin" he said. Just like the first time, he had to rest. In the beginning André thought it would have ended after a few weeks, but his recovery lasted longer. During this forced rest period, he decided to change his life. He went on a diet, started doing sports and delegated more business tasks. He worried a lot about cancellation of his concerts and disappointing his fans. He also felt responsibility to his almost hundred employees who were out of work now. 
Rieu described his frustrations: "I have to take a rest now, to be able to continue my job later. Due to his new way of living, André lost weight. "I now found the balance between enjoying life and living healthier. I feel great. I started to work out every day led by a personal trainer. Three months ago I started running with a heart rate meter. As soon as my heart beat was 140 per minute, I started to walk again. In the beginning that was after 2 minutes. Now I can run for 45 minutes. I eat differently. Two times per week white meat, two times white fish, one time red meat, one time oily fish and one time sinning. I already lost 9 kilos (20 pounds), I feel reborn.
Fortunately enough has been left from the "old" Rieu, to turn his performances into a party, like always. The concerts on the Vrijthof will be the only open air concerts left. Rieu loves the beauty of the square and he feels a special bond with the residents of Maastricht, who discovered his talents during the Hieringbiete (eat herring) parties on the day after Carnival, when André played with his Maastricht Salon Orchestra. After that Rieu became a world star who sells more concert tickets per year than Madonna or Lady Gaga. Watching his agenda, you can see performances all over the world in enormous venues. In July there will be 12 concerts in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Next South Africa, France, Switzerland and Germany. In November Rieu will be in Belgium and Holland and in December he'll perform fifteen concerts in England and Ireland. 
To check his health, a doctor and his personal trainer will travel with him. His wife Marjorie and son Pierre support him very much and when possible work out with André. The conductor knows for sure that he can avoid more disasters with his new way of living.
André was touched to perform again on the Vrijthof with his own orchestra to his own audience. The emotions were also felt by Albert Verlinde (reporter RTL Boulevard) en Onno Hoes, the Mayor of Maastricht. They were in the audience the very first concert and they enjoyed the concert , the performance of the Maastrichter Staar Choir, and the guest appearance of Father Abraham. Onno Hoes could also welcome in the audience the former Mayor of Maastricht: Gerd Leers. Mr.Leers was welcomed by the Maastricht audience with applause and cheers. Also secretary of State Mr. Bleker was present with his partner.
John is still on vacation and we want to Thank Ineke for sending this and Translating it! 


  1. Sue and Ineke... Thank you so much for the article.

    Kathy C.

  2. Lana, Tasmania04 July, 2012

    Beautifully translated Ineke. I don't know why you worry about it.

  3. great translations, Ineke.

  4. So glad that Andre has made this decision to be healthier and avoid any further sickness if possible. God bless you and keep you well and safe, Andre
    Great article people!

  5. Anonymous04 July, 2012

    Thanks Ineke & Sue for providing this article and I'm just so happy to have been over there to enjoy every moment.. being at the concerts with great friends whilst meeting new ones along the way, so many fun times!!
    Andre's given us wonderful concert experiences yet again !! and how lucky with the weather, amazing !!

    Dee in Perth

  6. I also say your translation is fantastic. Thanks for posting this. I was there with Dee and the energy he has is astounding, Concerts and weather were fantastic. Long may he reign.

  7. Great effort Ineke - it was a lovely article to read, to hear all about Andre and how he now copes with his busy life.

    The concert via CinemaLive was amazing, I think Andre's best yet. I really loved it. Fingers crossed we may see Andre "Down Under" next year some time.

    Take care, thanks to everyone again!

    xx :)

  8. A devoted Scottish fan05 July, 2012

    Thank you, Sue and Ineke, for a great translation of the article. It is very emotional to see how the precious Andre has recovered this time and I am sure he has now found the perfect combination of business, performing and living! Just one thing though - remember The Maestro is coming to SCOTLAND in December and the original concert on 12th is the only one on the UK tour to sell out, hence the additional one on 7 December in Glasgow!! xx

  9. Thank you for the wonderful article on Andre. I am so happy he decided to make positive steps regarding his health. We are so lucky to have him back healthy and happy. He has enriched so many people's lives by his wonderful music and endearing personality. No wonder he is loved all over the world.

  10. Anonymous05 July, 2012

    Had to miss Maastricht this year.
    Really, really appreciate and enjoyed the super comments.
    Thank you much!!!


  11. Carol Malvern UK05 July, 2012

    Wonderful translation that is very observant about the background of Andre,s life. It shows how all our lives are so similar be it a Maestro or a fan. I wish Andre the best of wishes for the busy time ahead.

    Carol UK
