Aug 20, 2012

André Rieu Tells of Their Wedding Rings

André Rieu Speaks of His and Marjorie's Wedding Rings
In our newspaper (The Telegraaf) of today (Aug. 20, 2012), there was an article about Brad Pitt's and Angelina Jolie's wedding rings of 1.27 million dollars. That's how they got the idea to ask several Dutch Celebrities about their wedding rings ... Ineke 
Marjorie and I have now been married for 37 years. Our engagement rings were the thinnest we could buy, because we could not afford anything more. In the meantime, our financial situation is much better now, but we still have those same rings. I don't wear the ring on my finger, but it is in my violin case. I only got stuck with my ring on my finger once and a violinist without a finger is not so very handy.

1 comment:

  1. Heh, made me think of my married lover who always wears his ring around his neck or in his wallet ;-)

    but I am sure Andre would never ever ever ever ever be in the same situation of course ;-)

    sweet story.
    Kisses from Maria.
