Sep 14, 2012

André Rieu Chapeau Magazine September 2012

Firmly Off Into Autumn 
Chapeau Magazine September 2012 Article by André Rieu 
After a pleasant holiday, in which we really did take the opportunity to rest this time, the program immediately took off in full swing. Half way into August we and the orchestra went to South Africa for our performances in Johannesburg, Durban and Cape Town. Those were wonderful concerts, together with amongst others, the Soweto Gospel Choir, the Platinum Tenors, Kimi Scota, Carmen Monarcha, the Petersburg Trio and of course also the Johann Strauss Orchestra. 
Having returned, I was home for exactly one day, after which I had to go to Mainz (Germany) and back for just the day and then the next day on to France for the postponed tour of earlier this year when I was sick. 
Around the release of this Chapeau edition we are all once again in Sao Paulo for another six concerts in the same hall where we had given 24 concerts this summer. So thirty concerts in all in a few months in one city! We have never experienced anything like that, but Sao Paulo is an enormous city and the Brazilian public is very enthusiastic. We will definately return there soon in addition to other cities and countries in South America. 
But not right now, since the concert agenda in the fall is bursting at the seams with several performances in Germany, Switzerland, France and again in England, with a sold out concert at the O2 Arena. In October during a live BBC broadcast, we, together with Andrea Bocelli and Nicola Benedetti will be receiving the Classic Brit Award.
Recently we also received the BVN broadcasting Trophy, which is an award by BVN for the most watched program of the year. I'm obviously very proud. BVN broadcasts the best Dutch and Flemish programs throughout the world. It was the broadcast of our concert in the Semper Opera House in Dresden (Dancing Through The Skies). A wonderful concert in one of the most beautiful opera houses of the world. 
On October 3, 2012 the German TV station ZDF will broadcast the "Vrijthof 2012" concert. Wonderful atmosphere and Maastricht at its best. The theme was the 25th anniversary of the Johann Strauss Orchestra. In commemoration of this anniversary, a special CD: "Verleef op Mestreech" (In love with Maastricht) will be released. 
When you read all this, you might think: Didn't he intend to slow down? Well, yes, that's right, at least .... I do fewer things in general. I have declined all appearances and interviews which are not directly related to my performances and my music. That's not meant to be unfriendly, but it's just not possible to combine them with the intense life of a musician. But the number of performances will not drastically be reduced, since fortunately there is a big demand from all over the world. 
And physically I can tackle it, which is even more important. In South Africa I felt how much I have improved since I seriously started working out under proper supervision. My condition has improved much better and I am physically stronger due to my weight training. I lost about twelve kilos (25 lbs), and do not expect to lose any more since the weight training causes the muscle masses to grow, which of course puts on weight too. But whether you have muscles or fat, it does make a big difference in your fitness. I'm certainly on the right path. I am really starting to buff out! I live as wisely as possible, also in my food intake, without going onto some weird diet. Healthy products, that's what it is all about. In this manner I hope to continue this energetic lifestyle for a long time, so I can enjoy the stage. And that is the best there is! 
André Rieu 
Thanks to Ineke for this and she and John translating it.


  1. Steph Padgett14 September, 2012

    Thanks to all concerned for translating and posting. What a lovely positive article. I really enjoyed reading that he is feeling so full of energy. He certainly looks good and I am glad to see he does not intened losing anymore weight.

  2. Thanks Ineke and John for your expertise - I really enjoyed reading that article. As Steph says, it is good to hear Andre sounding so positive. Sue, I will print this article for some of our ARVFG members who are not on the Internet - they love to hear all about Andre, and this is my way of passing on the Andre news, all thanks to you Sue, Ineke & Ruud.
    Take care, cheeRIEU, Val xx :)

  3. Crapart Catherine15 September, 2012

    sbeloc machiesThank you for this very interesting article.I congratulate Andre on his succes by "I dance with you in the sky" dvd passionately in this magnificient opera of Dresden!
    I like particulary "pleasure of love"
    porcelain dolls with Mirusia and Carmen in them pretty dresses!
    When you love you don't count the years!Andre wants to make people happy!
    He puts a lot of energy!
    I wish him the bes for the comming years!

  4. Andre sounds like he got the world by a string---Great for him--and us.
    Thanks Andre for your gift to millions of adoring fans.

  5. Carol Malvern UK19 September, 2012

    What a lovely article Andre is so positive again he has really enjoyed his travels and looks so well.A true gentleman,we are lucky to have him.He sent a lovely signed photo for my granchildren who are 2 and 4years old Where does he find the time.
