Oct 19, 2012

Brazilian Carla Maffioletti Shines in Rieu Shows

Brazilian Carla Maffioletti Shines in Rieu Shows  
Weekend Gezet: Most know Brazilian soprano Carla Maffioletti primarily through her concerts with André Rieu. Although she performed in 24 sold out concerts in her native Brazil with Rieu, she considers Maastricht as her home. 
Carla Maffioletti possesses both the Brazilian and Italian nationality. The latter she owes to her Italian father. She began her musical career by playing classical guitar. Her vocal qualities were discovered during her guitar studies by Brazilian soprano Neyde Thomas. "In Rio de Janeiro I was doing a master class with Mia Besselink, who hailed from Maastricht. We clicked right away. I was subsequently invited to continue my studies at conservatories in the United States, Karlsruhe and Maastricht. Since I clicked with Mia I chose Maastricht, a place I only knew in name only, through the European Convention. 
In 1998 she started her opera studies at the Conservatorium Maastricht and while there came in contact with André Rieu and his Johann Strauss Orchestra, with which she did a project and recorded a CD. "A nice experience. I had already returned to Brazil, when Rieu called me and asked if I would like to travel the world with him as a soloist. That was in 2000."
Home Sick
"I was happy for more than one reason: I was homesick for Maastricht. I'm from Porto Alegre, a city of millions, but still small in Brazilian standards. Maastricht is nice and compact, intimate, cozy. Moreover, Rieu carries Maastricht with gusto all over the world. He had made Maastricht known worldwide. "Carla Maffioletti feels that Limburg is a very musical province. "There are a lot of bands, brass bands, drum bands, choirs and other musical ensembles. 80% of the people here make music one way or another: That is wonderful! Here I feel at home." Maffioletti speaks seven languages, including Dutch. She understands the Maastricht dialect completely, but does not dare to speak it. 
Permanent Job
Rieu offered her a permanent job, which she accepted. "It's a great orchestra, which also takes you all over the world. But at some point or another you want to do something for yourself. Luckily that is allowed with Rieu. "I became a free lancer and we see what we can do together and where we each go our own way. Just take those performances in Brazil which of course I did not want to miss. At least 30 impressive shows in my home country for large, full halls, I have been waiting for that for over ten years. " With Rieu’s Johann Strauss Orchestra she recorded numerous workings on CD’s and DVD’s, which were aired worldwide by the great TV stations, and also made her as a soloist, famous."Rieu always says my name when I sing a solo." Since 2009 Maffioletti is also connected as a soloist with the opera in Giessen, where she performs in the roles of such as Papagena and Queen of the Night (Die Zauberflöte), Olympia (Hoffmanns Erzählungen) and Valenciennes (The Merry Widow). Recently she made her debut as the Contessa Boissy by the Brazilian composer Carlos Gomes. And also plays as Barbarina in Le Nozze di Figaro. 
Since 2008 she has been part of Mandolin ensemble "The Strings" from Stein. "I myself play the classical guitar. Leonique Hermans from "The Strings" played mandolin solo in one of the Rieu concerts on the Vrijthof and introduced me to the ensemble." She has sung with the men’s choir Sittard, men’s choir "Mignon", the Kerkrade Symphony Orchestra, with brass and marching bands, the salon orchestra "Da Capo and Voces Vocales," contributed in the recording of the album of the Sweykhuizer Men’s choir and more. In short, she is completely at home in Limburg 
Carla Maffioletti remains a solo artist, in January, for example as an opera singer in Switzerland. She will also continue to perform as a guitarist, but will never permanently leave Rieu. "Team Rieu has become such a large part of my life." Meanwhile, there is also her first solo album, "Blue bird", on which she herself sings and plays guitar. She is accompanied by the mandolin orchestra "The Strings" and members of the Johann Strauss Orchestra ("JSO Friends"). It has thus become a pure Limburg product although the album contains mostly a classical and Brazilian repertoire. "As to pop and popular songs, I will not venture into them too quickly."
Text: Bert Salden/Photo: Wim Langohr Thanks to John for the Translation

1 comment:

  1. Crapart Catherine19 October, 2012

    CARLA MAFFIOLETTI is a soprano with a sublime voice!She is also guitarist and full of energie!
    She is smiling and funny at the same time.
    In her role of doll ,I find her great!
    I wish her a lot of success in the years to come with ANDRE RIEU and solo.
    Bravo CARLA!
