Jan 10, 2013

André Rieu January Chapeau Magazine Column


André Rieu Column

Chapeau Magazine, January 2013: At a certain moment a development comes along which currently is not really occupying your time, but does open up new avenues for you again. I am speaking about working together with international stars, who are beginning to find the way to our studios in Maastricht. In fact it started a year and a half ago with Anthony Hopkins, one of the world's best known actors, who had composed a waltz, and asked me if I wanted to arrange this waltz and play it together with the Johan Strauss Orchestra. That created a very special bond, and he even came to one of the Vrijthof concerts. I am still in contact with him. Recently, Jermaine Jackson, one of the famous Jackson brothers, was in the studio. Early this year he’ll come back and it looks like we might be doing some musical things together. Who knows there might be something for the Vrijthof. Years ago I had an idea to do  something in the way of "André Rieu and Friends": who knows, that might still materialize.
Another famous person is Barry Gibb, the only remaining singer of the Australian band "The Bee Gees", has now also made contact with us. I have no idea what he has in mind, but it is interesting that these developments are now taking place. In December during our England tour I was spontaneously invited by Andrew Lloyd Weber. Nowadays I'm trying not to schedule appointments during the day while on tour, but this one I could hardly refuse. It was very nice and at one point we were both sitting together on the piano. In this manner we could work together on a special CD containing only numbers of these celebrities. Here is yet another idea. We are definitely not short on those. The recent tour through England, Scotland and Ireland gave in that aspect extra inspiration. In London alone we played for 25,000 people and in other cities every concert was sold out. The atmosphere was great. And to think that in fact we only started in Great Britain in 2005. This was only our second tour. Just as in France our Christmas DVD, recorded in Maastricht, was number 1 in England.
Again many other things arise from that. SKY TV also has big plans for us, including a possible serial. It is possible that this year one of their channels will be reserved for us for an entire month. That is quite something. The German ARD studio is also studying a possible TV series. That is something completely different than a concert. In a way, I am interested, but will keep my basic terms of time and energy intact and will not cross that line. I will no longer disregard my work out and leisure time schedule, not even for a nice TV series. To make music remains our primary purpose. And again this year we can do plenty of that. In the beginning of the year there are a number of concerts scheduled in Germany, and in March we’ll again tour in America. In April we’ll be onstage for the first time in Rio de Janeiro, and if it is going to be just like in Sao Paulo, we can pat ourselves on our backs. Further on ahead, we have again planned Japan in 2014. We have not been there for some years. So, as we continue to fly around the world globe, every trip has a return destination of Maastricht!!! 
André Rieu 
Thanks to Ineke for sending this and John For Translating it.


  1. Wow, I am surprised he did not namedrop that Jackson guy as well! But great news, great opportunities for our dearest maestro of our hearts. Keep up the good work, Andre!

    B. Schumacher.

  2. Martine Calvinhac11 January, 2013

    All those news seems interesting!! I hope just that André will be wise with himself...Masstricht 2013 will be fantastic I am sure. Thanks for your job Sue, Ineke and John. Martine from France

  3. Interesting article, I'd love to hear the Bee Gee's "Massachusetts" HAHAHA! Especially in Maastricht, that would really be something! :-)
    I like the Bee Gees, the Jacksons, and Andrew Lloyd Webber, but would really love to hear songs from classic American musicals such as Oklahoma, Brigadoon, South Pacific and especially West Side Story. There is no more beautiful and heartbreaking music than Leonard Bernstein's masterpiece. Best to all, Jennifer D. (resident of Massachusetts!)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Carol Harwood Malvern England11 January, 2013

    It is wonderful that Andre and his music is so appealing right cross all genres of music. A collaboration with Lloyd Webber would be a natural move as Andre plays so much of his music. All the years of hard work from Andre the JSO and the backing team are now being appreciated, well done.
    Carol Harwood

  6. Don't get me wrong, I like the song "Massachusetts" and I grew up on the Bee Gees (and mostly the Beatles), it's just funny since I live here!


    RIP Robin, Maurice and Andy and thanks for the memories!

    Jennifer D.

  7. Cher mr André Rieu
    Que de projets BRAVO pour cet enthousiasme mais continuez à faire des solos au violon c'estsi magique & rare MERCI & prenez soin de VOUS

  8. Francine Chavanon12 January, 2013

    Bonjour cher André! J'aime tellement ta musique et j'ai été enchantée de ton retour en France en 2012. J'espère que cette année qui commence t'apportera le meilleur et te maintiensra en bonne santé avec un retour chez nous, pouquoi pas? Pensées et bises de France, Francine.

  9. Francine Chavanon20 January, 2013

    Cher André bravo pour cet article paru dans "Chapeau", j'adore ce magazine auquel je suis abonnée. Je vois que tu as plein de projets et c'est génial, prend soin de toi pour pouvoir mener tout ça à bienet pourquoi pas ton retour en France ou tu manques déja. Bisous, cher Maestro! Francine.
