May 11, 2013

André Rieu-What I Know About Women

André Rieu 

What I Know About Women

Brisbane Times May 12, 2013 by Paul Connolly
All boys want to be like their father, but I think my mother had more to do with making me like him – in a musical sense – than he did, because [as a renowned conductor with the Limburg Symphony Orchestra] he was always on the road. I don't remember my father doing a lot with me, like practising or giving advice. 
It was my mother who gave me a violin. She was the one who always said, "Hey, hey, you are playing outside, come inside and practise." She was rather severe. 
I am completely different to my mother. Of course, she helped to shape me, but perhaps not in the way she would have liked. I am who I am. She is very religious, my father was very religious, but I am not any more. I think we should take our own responsibility and try to make heaven now, not when we are dead. 
She was very strict and very cold – and I am completely the opposite. She was afraid to show her feelings. She always said to me, "André, you don't have to look people in the eyes like you do." But I like to [do that]. That's why I have my face to the audience, unlike other conductors. I want to have this contact with people. It's how you connect. Everything goes through the eyes. 
My mother was afraid to look people in the eyes because then your feelings come. She is 96 now, still driving ... very independent and strong-willed. We have contact, but not much. 
I grew up with three sisters [and two brothers, in Maastricht, the Netherlands], but, honestly, I was a dreamer. Of course I remember them, but I was not very close to them. It is very sad. 
My oldest sister, Cilia, became mentally ill at the age of 18. She's still alive. I still think she could have had a normal life had things happened in another way: let's say, had she had other parents. My second sister, Teresia, was a beautiful harpist. Sadly, she is ill now, too. My youngest sister, Gaby, although she is 10 years younger than me, I was very close to her. In fact, with our parents being away so much, I raised her, I changed her diapers, so I was practically her father. 
Having three sisters didn't help me with girls – oh no, not at all! Speaking of such things in my home was impossible. 
My wife Marjorie was 13 and I was 11 when we first met. She was in Teresia's class. There was a [Christmas] party in my home with her whole class and I remember one girl with a lot of curls in her hair. That was Marjorie. Then we met later on and, "Boom!" She's honest and nice and beautiful and I knew immediately that she would be my wife. ,
We work together now, something I dreamed of doing with a wife when I was a small boy - I don't know why - but we also have periods of separation when I am on tour. I think it's important for a marriage that you can be separated. 
I see marriage as like an open hand. You could go out of the hand but you don't, because you like to be in the hand. When you really are fixed together and dare not open the hand, then it's not a marriage. 
I often tell Marjorie, "Without you, I would be in the gutter." She says, "No, you would have met another girl," but I am serious. She helped me to be myself and to believe in myself and look people in the eyes. I think women have a gift for that. [It's why] I love to work with women - half my orchestra is [female], half the people in my office. Women can show their feelings much more easily than men and that appeals to me. 
Why are many women taken with me? I really don't know. A University of Maastricht professor called me a few weeks ago and she wants to scientifically study this exact question. I am very curious about the answer and I will call you back when she finishes her studies [laughs]. I think it could be because I have a lot of woman in me. 
I show myself completely on stage. When I feel nervous, I appear nervous; when I feel glad, I appear glad; when I feel emotional, I appear emotional. Women like that. So I don't only show that I am having fun, but that I am emotional. That's when people are going to like you: "Oh my god, he's a normal human being." 
In everyone there is a male part and a female part. I think in male composers the female part is the part that composes the music - yes, the soul of the music. That's the answer to why some men are artists and [others] are not. It's the female side of them that's driven them to an artistic life.
André Rieu's new album, Mother and Child, is out now through Universal Music.
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  1. Anonymous13 May, 2013

    The female part is the part that writes the music? Really? I would have thought he didn't have to boost his ratings amongst females further :D
    Seriouly though, great interview, just the last remark is a bit too narmy and schmaltzy for me personally :P
    Thanks for keeping us up to date!

    Wishing you all a marvellous day, wherever you may be.
    Agnes Kant

  2. Anonymous13 May, 2013


    Thanks for sharing this article!


    Me too, I was kind of surprised by the last remark. I came to think it could be a philosophic statement ???

    Would you kindly tell me what do "D" and "P" mean? Also, what is the meaning of "Narmy"? Thanks in advance!

    Have a nice day all!

    Claire Trudel - Montréal

  3. Anonymous14 May, 2013

    Oh, they are supposed to be smiley faces, I spend too much time on internet I am afraid :)

    What I meant is that I have the idea that Andre was saying it just to ingratiate himself further with his female fans, to make them feel good, do you understand? I think that is not necessary, as wel already love him dearly.
    I did not mean this as criticism or anything, I'd like to make that clear.

    Agnes Kant

  4. Anonymous14 May, 2013

    Hello Agnes:
    Thanks for taking time to answer me.
    Yes, I clearly understand what you mean and it makes sense.
    Have a nice day!
    Claire Trudel - Montréal

    Note: What is the meaning of NARMY?

  5. Anonymous15 May, 2013


    Narm is a moment that is supposed to be serious, but due to either over-sappiness, poor execution, excessive Melodrama, or the sheer absurdity of the situation, the drama is lost to the point of surpassing "cheesy" and becoming unintentionally funny.

    I hope you understand me better now!

    Have a great day!
    Agnes Kant

  6. Anonymous15 May, 2013

    I really enjoyed this interview. I think that last remark might just elude to the fact that the music he feels in his soul may have been influenced, by the women around him starting as young as he can remember right up to the present time. A lot of the music he loves to play is the waltz and he is surrounded by a lot of beautiful talented and intelligent women.I don't think his comment was saying he was odd, but maybe,that he is in touch with his feminine side and there is no dishonor in mentioning that. I for one love his music! I was raised in much the same way but( even though we are younger) I had 7 brothers and 1 sister, we all played instruments a requirement in our family, my parents thought it very important to our education. So I will now step down from my soap box, and pray he will go on several more years.Thanks!!

  7. Anonymous15 May, 2013

    I am sure we all wish that same thing!

    Wishing you great day,
    Agnes Kant

  8. Anonymous17 May, 2013


