May 2, 2013

Mirusia Talks of Returning To Homeland

Soprano Mirusia to Return to Her Second "Homeland" 
AMSTERDAM - The Telegraaf by Wilma Nanninga: Mirusia Louwerse will again be in the Netherlands, starting in September, her second "Homeland" as she calls it. 
"My Dutch Oma (Grandmother) will be 90 years old in September. I have just completed my Australian 'hometour'. Don't you think it is then time for my 'second hometour'? And that will take place in my second "Fatherland". And that is here, my second "Fatherland", "THE NETHERLANDS" 
That is what Mirusia divulged to the Telegraaf. The soprano, a daughter of emmigrated Dutch parents was discovered by AndrĂ© Rieu with whom she traveled the entire world for five years. 
The songstress is called an 'unconventional popstar' in Australia since she also sings jazz as well as opera.
Thanks to John for this and it's Translation 

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