Jun 27, 2013

André Rieu and André van Duin on The Vrijthof Saturday!

Unique Duo Saturday Night on The Vrijthof  André Rieu and André van Duin!?

The most famous Dutch comedian to perform with Maastricht’s world-renowned star in the final part of Rieu’s Vrijthof performance on Saturday.

André Rieu’s performance on the Vrijthof on Saturday will come to a special end. For quite some time speculation has been rife in Maastricht as to whom will provide the climax to the Rieu Vrijthof concerts. The most commonly touted names include Trini Lopez and, not entirely surprisingly, Jermaine Jackson. Whether these artists will indeed perform with the Maastricht world star as a festive treat remains to be seen. An informed source told Maastricht Aktueel that, for this Saturday, renowned comedian, revue star and King of Carnival Songs, André van Duin, will, along with ' uzze Dré (Our Dré) conclude the performance on the Vrijthof around midnight.

Last week the native from Rotterdam, who in June 1964 (next year 50 years ago) won the then Idols program, Nieuwe Oogst (New Crop) as a 17-year-old boy with a parody of well-known artists, still featured extensively on Dutch radio. He gleefully recounted, yet again, how he with his tape recorder full of combined songs, sounds and voices, pulled funny faces and then managed to beat the then unknown Boudewijn de Groot to become the first winner of the program that was soon to be a runaway success. The rest of his career is well-known to every Dutchman.

The big question is of course: What are the two Andrés conspiring to do? Will they perform ‘Willempie’ (including helmets for all Strauss orchestra members) or will it be 'There Is A Horse In The Corridor', ‘Angelique’ or the ‘Banana Song’? Whichever option they choose to follow on Saturday night will be an exceptional – perhaps even unique – event on the Vrijthof.

Maastricht Aktueel attempted to contact the Promotions and Communications Section of André Rieu Productions to confirm André van Duin’s participation, but received no response.

Thank you to Entia for her Translation

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous28 June, 2013

    They'll do the concert they did in amsterdam vor the investiture before the break, then guest 'stars' und so weiter after the break. No solo pieces for Carla and Carmen, it will be all Mirusia.

