Jul 8, 2013

ANDRÉ RIEU Chapeau Magazine Column July


André Rieu Column - July 2013 Chapeau Magazine: It was good last year to have a few weeks’ leave in the summer. Holidays – which are the most normal thing in the world for other people – mean a lot to us because we are always busy. We are still not the type of people who lie in a hammock or on a beach towel the whole day, but we will relax our hold on the reins and spend time on recreational matters such as other interests and close friends, which is necessary after such a hectic season. You can even refer to it as refueling.

With the Vrijthof concerts in early July – eight in total – we conclude a ‘solid’ period, in which we have amassed a lot of air miles; most recently with trips to Chile and Argentina, where we performed very enjoyable concerts in sold-out venues to extremely enthusiastic audiences. And the changing programs in Maastricht will also be anything but a routine job; we will have to go all-out every time.

However, during the summer we will have time for everything else, such as a few days away, but mostly to enjoy our own surroundings, for example, the garden, plain, wholesome food, a nice glass of wine, and, of course, to brainstorm new ideas with Marjorie – for we can’t neglect that. There is a lot on the program. If all goes well, we will visit Istanbul for the first time this coming season. That will be a completely different audience, where the success of our music is not so predictable – the challenge is to bridge that gap.

For the first time we will also be going to the Far East, namely Singapore and Shanghai. We could have gone to China much earlier, but, from a business perspective, the situation has to be viable for both parties. We want to get it right from the start. We look forward to a successful foray which will open a big country to us.

Concerts have also been scheduled for Australia and New Zealand. We have now been there a couple of times and interest remains high – to such an extent that we are regularly invited back. Although situated on the other side of the world, it is a pleasure to perform once we’re there.

Mexico also features on the program again. It has been clear since our first concert there that we have a consistent market. Of course, we wont neglect European countries such as Germany, France and Belgium. England has now become a fixture in our schedule; there is great interest, even amongst the television networks.

New destinations are also in the pipeline for us: Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Finland, Poland and Romania. It is always very interesting to explore new cultures and to see our music winning people’s hearts over there. The English television channel, Sky TV, will also feature us, but more along the lines of a story about me and the orchestra. It will include regular performances by guest artists.

In addition, we are still working on an animated series in order to reach out to even small children. And our record company also asked us to produce an album dedicated to the anniversary of ABBA, 40 Years Waterloo, which will include all their famous songs for worldwide release – another ‘klein projectie’ (small project).

I can hear you ask: "How does he keep it all up?" Well, I’ve already revealed that secret: By living as healthily as possible, eating well and practicing sport – under supervision – on a daily basis. Only then is it possible to maintain such a punishing annual agenda.

André Rieu
Thank You to Ineke for sending this and Entia Translating it


  1. Imbi Raid08 July, 2013

    That would my dream come through! Maestro Andre is coming to Northern Europe!! Usually people from Finland, Estonia, Latvia are attending concerts in neighboring countries.So it gives great opportunity from Estland to go for concerts to Finland and Latvia in addition. Our TV-cables do not show SKYarts, only Mezzo. We had to install Sat-disc to see SKYarts. My friends who seen my Rieu DVDs are watching in great awe and enjoying the shows. Thank You ALL - Ineke, Etia, Suzanne!

  2. we are soooooo very privileged to have the Maestro and the JSO and his crew come all the way over to visit us in my homeland, New Zealand, and yes we are on the other side of the world its a very loooooooong way to travel and visa versa for us to travel to his homeland ... would cost me a few thousand $$$$$ to make it over to Maastricht but its definitely on my bucket list ... Next year maybe just maybe I'll make it or definitely if I win lotto hehe ...

  3. Anonymous08 July, 2013

    I really don't understand why you took my comments away.
    So let the guessing begin, who exactly is our maestro talking about here?


  4. Just love the idea of a Maastricht dome!
    Lots of fascinating projects coming. so looking forward to meeting you again in Melbourne, 19th Oct - we are honoured to have you visit the 'Land Down Under again - thanks, mate!
    Wendy & Dave Laing

  5. Carol Harwood England08 July, 2013

    Andre is always considering all his worldwide fans and there is just not enough time for him to visit everyone. We are so lucky in the UK as he is on out TVs constantly so if you are having a bad day you can tune into him, he is better than a brandy.

  6. To the fan with "multiple" identities ... So long as you keep it nice and leave out the sarcasm and innuendos, the comments will remain ... otherwise they will be deleted.

  7. Francine Chavanon09 July, 2013

    André est un merveilleux artiste aux multiples talents, j'adore écouter sa musique et aussi lire ses articles dans "Chapeau" dont j'attends de recevoir le 100ème. Bravo André, tu es génial!

  8. imbi raid09 July, 2013

    Thank You Sue Berry, keeping this fan site respectful and nice. Most often it is jealousy, what drives some losers write nasty remarks. You must be most busy answering here, FB and writing comments. Please believe we are really thankful for that, specially newcomers, who are like little children asking thousand questions. I found from Sonja´s translations compare Pierre/"David"

  9. Andre looks SO MUCH like queen Beatrix in that pic, it's insane :D
