Jul 17, 2013

Rieu Concert Sets Record For UK’s CinemaLive

André Rieu Concert Sets Record For UK’s CinemaLive

London July 17, 2013:The UK’s CinemaLive broke a record this past weekend with André Rieu’s 2013 Maastricht Concert. The music concert was released into moviehouses in the UK, Ireland and elsewhere and scored the biggest opening weekend gross for such an event ever. According to Rentrak, the concert brought in £448,786 in 257 theaters across the UK and Ireland and a further 77 sites across Europe. The satellite broadcast was also seen in Australia and New Zealand. The concert will next be shown in a further 400 cinemas across the world, including Canada, the U.S., Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Colombia and France.
 Thanks to Gitti for this (and Photo by Al Girard)

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