Sep 19, 2013

André Rieu (Chapeau Column) From Mestreechs To English

André Rieu From Mestreechs To English

Chapeau Magazine: The nicety of the summer concerts on the Vrijthof up until now was that it included my announcements in our dialect, in Mestreechs*. Just like in earlier times when we did the "Hieringebiete." But this year I clearly noticed that I was not able to fully continue this at 100%. During the very first evening, I was already thinking "What is going on here?" It seems as if they do not understand me. When I tried a sentence in English, a loud cheer arose immediately. Then I knew!

In the days afterwards we asked people from their country of origin and found that forty percent of the public on the Vrijthof comes from abroad. And in the other sixty percent there are of course many non-Limburgers present. That is why during the course of the eight concert series, and for the major part, I changed over into the English language. Next year, which will be our tenth edition, I will probably speak a lot of English, but an occasional sentence in Mestreechs will always remain fun, after all, it is a "hometown concert."

Forty percent of the public on the Vrijthof are from abroad.

I am amazed at how many people from various countries come to our concert in Maastricht. This year as many as 65 different nationalities. Many British, Irish and Scots, but also guests from counties which you would less likely to think about, such as the United Arab Emirates, Greenland, Indonesia, Jordan, Kuwait, the Philippines, Saudi-Arabia, Taiwan and even the Vatican. I did not suspect the Pope himself to have been there incognito. But maybe his barber or an aide were there?

The arrival of all these foreigners is of course beneficial to our hotels and restaurants, which were always filled during those days. That pleases me, since in this manner I can do something elegant for our beautiful city.

After the Vrijthof concerts it was time for our holidays, several weeks even, and that was something which had not happened to us in many years. And we even enjoyed it! Just taking it easy. Except for my work outs, they just continued on, because I would like to maintain the shape I am in.

Since we started again at the end of August, we have recorded two CD’s in the studio, one with primarily all romantic violin music and the other one, by request from the record company, songs from ABBA, in commemoration of the fortieth anniversary of "Waterloo." I am very proud of these two wonderful products. Together they will form a double CD which will be released worldwide in October.

In the Fall (autumn) we will again be on tour in Mexico, with Australia and New-Zealand also on the agenda. And in October my own show will start on British TV, a series of ten episodes titled: "André Rieu, Welcome To My World." That is why I recently visited the legendary Vera Lynn, whom I told about the 3500 war veterans’ visit to the Vrijthof concert. It was an impressive afternoon visit with this still very fit and brisk 96 year old lady!

My wife Marjorie, who lovingly assists and advises me every day, has been very busy during our summer holiday (she looks upon that as "vacation work") with the republishing of my biography which she wrote: "My music, my Life." It will be re-released this month in Dutch, English, Spanish and Portuguese. So there is still no time for boredom yet.

André Rieu

* Mestreechs is the dialect spoken in Maastricht. Thank you to Ineke for sending us the Chapeau Magazine article. And to John for Translating it.


  1. Patricia Thomas20 September, 2013

    I love the Harmony Parlor page very informative

  2. Devoted Scottish Fan20 September, 2013

    Thank you once again for a great article. I really do appreciate all of your hard work in keeping us informed about The Maestro and it is wonderful to feel a part of everything Andre! Have a good weekend.
    Moira x

  3. We warmly welcome you in Romania, here you have many fans who willingly Stabat Europe need to track your concerts
    With great love Timi Vio

  4. Love being able to pop in to the Harmony Parlor whilst on our caravan travels around Australia to keep up with all things Andre! Thanks so much everyone! Cannot wait for Andre's visit Down Under in October! cheeRieu from Val xx
