Sep 10, 2013

André Rieu Playing The Tennessee Waltz

André Rieu Playing "The Tennessee Waltz"

Kay Berman sent me the music of the Tennessee Waltz by André and we tried to figure a way to post it on the Parlor on Facebook as you cannot post music on there ...

I remembered a small Photoshow I had made back in 2008 of a late March Snow Storm on the Vrijthof. I had heard that Maastricht was going to have snow, so I stayed up to capture pictures from the Webcam of the Sunrise. It was so pretty.

We combined Kay's Tennessee Waltz to that Photo Show and together we came up with something special!! (With a little help from André ;-)

(The Tennessee Waltz is from André's "Walzertraum" CD)


  1. Thank You, Suzanne - that is beautiful combination of wonderful waltz and so clever and artistic showing change of the starting day.
    Videos are nice, but this is different - You look, blink an eye - and day is getting lighter, watching this somehow mesmerizes me. I copied this melody to me site. Thanks.

  2. Catherine Crapart11 September, 2013

    Thank you for this beautiful Tennessee Waltz with these beautiful pictures of snowy Vrijthof.
