Mar 11, 2014

Reading From One's Own Bookshelf

Reading From One’s Own Bookshelf

The Limburger-André Rieu: Because I've been married for almost 40 years to a woman who was formerly a teacher of German and Italian at the Porta Mosana College (formerly the Jeanne D’Arc Lyceum) in Maastricht, our bookcase is largely filled with German and Italian literature. Many books about Rome, the city where we prefer to go in our spare time. And then of course, in the broadest sense of the word a lot, of literature on music. And of course many about the Strauss family. An entire shelf filled with Karl May and Tin-tin, the heroes of my youth.

In recent years the children's books department of course has grown, because I love to read to my grandchildren. Historical novels for me are my favorites. By reading about other times you gain a perspective about the times in which we live.

Ken Follett is currently my favorite. Sometimes I read his books one after the other ... Preferably on long trips in the bus or on the plane. But for example, I was also very impressed by "The Cloister and the Hearth" a wonderful novel by Charles Reade, which is about the life of Erasmus’ parents and plays in the 15th century.

I find reading to be a wonderful way of relaxation. But at the same time I am a very curious and interested human being. I always want to know everything precisely, am interested in different time periods, but also the future in all its engineering and aerospace, physics, astronomy, new inventions.

I do not have an e-reader yet. When I am at home I read paper books, and when I am on the road I prefer my I-phone, which is always with me.

Thanks to Ineke for this and John's ©Translation 


  1. Francine Chavanon12 March, 2014

    Superbe André qui s'intéresse à tout, non seulement la musique dont il est un merveilleux ambassadeur à travers le monde mais aussi toutes sortes de lectures sans oublier Tintin qui a captivé un grand nombre de lecteurs. Son érudition est immense et c'est un vrai bonheur non seulement d'écouter sa musique mais aussi, de l'entendre s'exprimer dans n'importe laquelle des langues qu'il maitrise à la perfection. Bravo André et GOD BLESS YOU! Francine.

