May 1, 2014

André Rieu Shows Are Lucrative

Rieu Shows Are Lucrative
Ten years of performances on the Vrijthof totaling sales of more than 70 million

De Limburger. By: Stephan Gybels and John Hoofs: MAASTRICHT - When André Rieu packs away his violin after his last Vrijthof Concert on July 20, 2014 he, with his popular music shows in the heart of Maastricht for the past ten years, has provided for a turnover of more than 70 million Euros. This is a conservative estimate based on interviews with the experts.

During the tenth year anniversary of his Vrijthof concerts, Rieu will conduct his fiftieth performance and expects the 500,000th visitor. Just for his own company the violinist and conductor realized a turnover in sales of at least 30 million. Using that amount, the average price of a ticket is based at 60 Euros and multiplied by 500,000 concert-goers. There are of course huge costs associated with the orchestra and stage construction.

The financial story does not stop with Rieu alone

The hotel industry benefits plenty by his concerts. According to Antoine Scheerens, foreman the Cooperating Hotels Maastricht and manager of the Maastricht NH Hotels, July is the best month in terms of sales for the year right after the TEFAF Maastricht during the month of March. All thanks to Rieu. Normally a room in July costs an average of 80 Euros, but since Rieu’s performances on the Vrijthof, the price has increased to 150 Euros. Every concert can account for 2000 booked rooms, which converts to 300,000 Euros.

André Rieu will perform ten concerts this year. That amounts to a 3 million Euro turnover for the hotels alone in 2014. Businessman Benoit Wesly estimates that Rieu fans staying in Maastricht spend between 300 and 400 Euros in pubs and stores. The municipality of Maastricht keeps it on a more conservative estimate and figures 200 Euros per day per tourist. According to a spokesperson one concert delivers between 500,000 and 700,000 Euros in additional revenues, depending on the number of concert-goers. That would mean that fifty concerts in ten years time brought in 30 million Euros ... All in all a conservative estimated, Rieu generated amount of more than 70 million Euros.

©Translation by John


  1. Anonymous02 May, 2014

    Well..... Isn't he worth a statue on the Vrijthof??? Come on, Maastricht city board!

  2. Devoted Scottish Fan02 May, 2014

    Hi Ineke - I think you are correct! The bronze statue being spoken about, should be placed at the Theatre steps!! I am soooo happy to be contributing to those Euro millions again this year, for Andre's 10th Anniversary concerts. See you in July.
    Moira x

  3. Anonymous02 May, 2014

    Well I wouldn't be surprised if they added two more concerts on the Vrijthof this summer- and I bet they could sell out too, even at this late date. Even if they ended up donating a few tickets (to the nuns?) they still would end up ahead of the game, as the stage is already set up and all the people are there. In addition to artistic offerings of the highest quality, Andre and his family (wife Marjorie and son Pierre) are very smart, creative enterpreneurs. That rare combination is the secret of their success. See- I just answered the research study, haha! I'd be more interested in a business case study- I think it would be very interesting. Thanks for keeping us updated, John- Jennifer D.

  4. Francine Chavanon02 May, 2014

    Le talent d'André est immense et avec son charisme en plus, le public afflue des quatre coins du monde pour écouter sa musique et passer des moments uniques. Cette année, je vais faire mon 1er voyage à Maastricht et je sais que ce sera un vrai bonheur. André apporte tellement à sa ville, non seulement sur le plan économique mais aussi parce que c'est une grande joie pour tout son public. Bravo et merci, très cher Maestro! Francine.

  5. emb harland-hazebrook02 May, 2014

    Hoewel ik André en zijn orkest meer dan waardeer, vraag ik me af. of hij blij zou zijn met een standbeeld. Het meeste waar hij zichtbaar van geniet is. de muziek, zelf spelen en zijn orkest leiden. De mensen genieten er van, ook die gebonden zijn aan huis: ze kijken er naar uit, geven het aan elkaar door. Hoeveel genieten er thuis ook van de opnames. Maastricht, zo geliefd bij ons, heeft er onze violist en dirigent bij als een gouden randje. Maar zo een levendig persoon als standbeeld zal moeilijk lukken. Dan liever een kunstzinnige fontein waar het water uit stroomt, net als de muziek van zijn geliefde orkest. Samen met zijn familie wens ik hem nog vele jaren: wij zijn er dankbaar voor.

  6. Anonymous02 May, 2014

    Bravo, very nice comments, and yes many people are very grateful for the music of Andre Rieu and the JSO, myself included. I think the best tribute is for audiences to just keep enjoying the concerts as they do- as many have said, it isn't really music until it is performed for someone else. May they continue for many more years! Jennifer D.
