May 13, 2014

Pierre Rieu: Vice President of André Rieu Productions

Pierre Rieu: Vice President of André Rieu Productions

Why Outstanding Persons Excel
An innate predisposition you might say, but talent alone is not enough. 
Even more important are the factors of luck and the ability to work very hard. Don’t you want to excel?

Pierre Rieu (32) is responsible for the organization of the worldwide concerts.
(I call it being second fiddle) to his father André.  

"I always wanted to work in our company. When I was a youngster of three I moved the piano stool all over the living room. After studying for a law degree for a few weeks - while in the meantime I was travelling full time with the orchestra – I became fully involved. I started reorganizing the technical aspects: erecting, tearing down and logistics. When my father finely introduced me to my co-workers as their new boss, I soiled my pants: you have to prove you are capable; you have to be able to bring out the best in them. Besides, I remain calm in stressful situations: we never yell here. Because I do not view it as a job, it is easy to spend many hours in it. It is also the only way to learn the job. There are no vice-president schools; you just have to work hard. That drive I recognize in many others too. Often when someone walks in for a job interview, I can sense whether they work out or not. In the meantime I am being royally received by for instance the big boss of SKY TV in England. Of course being "the son of’ has something to do with that, but I do produce some good deals. My next ambition? To learn another language. I do speak five of them. I just need to decide whether it is going to be Spanish or Italian."

©Translation by John
Thanks to Ineke for the article


  1. Pierre is such a tower of strength! Andre must feel very proud & lucky to have such dedicated & hard working sons:)

  2. Devoted Scottish Fan14 May, 2014

    Pierre always seems so calm - even in the face of dad's crazy ideas!! It must be truly wonderful for them to work and travel together, and their love for each other is an inspiration.
    Moira x

  3. Francine Chavanon14 May, 2014

    Pierre vice président de "André Rieu productions", quoi de plus normal, il a tous les atouts pour réussir, la même faculté de travailler très dur comme son père et il inspire la sympathie. Quand on constate les succès que rencontre André à travers le monde avec son talent et le soutien indéfectible de Pierre, je leur souhaite à tous les deux de continuer encore longtemps à charmer le public avec une merveilleuse musique et un fantastique orchestre. Amitiés à tous, Francine.

  4. Anonymous14 May, 2014

    Marjorie is a teacher Italian, so Pierre could select the Italian language first! The teacher is his mother and neighbor next door!

  5. It just amazes me the languages they speak! I have all I can do to speak English properly!!
