Jul 9, 2014

André Rieu in “Duck City”!

André Rieu in Duck City” After Visiting Many Metropolises

MAASTRICHT: The world-renowned Maastricht star has been enriched by yet another new experience. After countless trips around the world, interviews with all the major newspapers and encounters with the greats, he has, since this morning, had the honor of being a temporary resident of Duck City.

In a special issue of Donald Duck, which launched this morning in the Rieu-studios in the Withuisveld in Amby, the world-famous duck does not play first – but second – fiddle. The true star, however, is a dog from Maastricht, called André De Reu.

As a simple coin polisher (“muntjespoetser”) Donald stands in the shadow of the great orchestra leader André De Reu, whose violin is stolen. We don’t want to reveal more at the moment, but Donald Duck would not be Donald Duck if he does not ultimately land on his feet. It’s nice to know that in Duck City the Dog does not start with a march, such as the Radetsky in Maastricht, but with The Donald Waltz.

It is with good reason that this special honor was bestowed on André Rieu. The cheerful weekly wants to motivate children to strive to attain their dream jobs. Each month a celebrity in a particular field ranging from biologist, to actor, astronaut, fashion designer - and now also the conductor and orchestra leader, André Rieu, is featured in a playful way to provide inspiration.
Translated by Entia
(Below Entia has translated what is being said in the video)

 Click HERE To Watch Video With André

AR-DD video translation: News reader: Monique Smit (singer), Sven Kramer (Olympic long track speed skater) and Georgina Verbaan (actress and singer) have all featured in Donald Duck. However, the latest star is André Rieu. The first issue was presented to the world-renowned violinist in Maastricht.
Interviewer: Did you have any say in the story?
André Rieu: No, not at all. I only saw it after completion.
Interviewer: What is it about?
André Rieu: Briefly, it is about my violin being stolen and then found again. Is that correct? That is a short synopsis.
Interviewer: Let’s have a look at the (comic) strip itself……you seem to resemble an animal?
André Rieu: Yes, closely. Very closely, don't you agree?

1 comment:

  1. Francine Chavanon10 July, 2014

    C'est superbe! Une BD avec André dans "Canard-ville", j'adore! J'espère pouvoir en acheter un exemplaire. Bravo André!
