Sep 27, 2014

International Journalists Gather At Rieu's Castle

André Rieu's Venetian CD
The Limburger Sept. 26: It was a party with a Venetian  flair - the presentation of André Rieu's new CD. Roughly seventy journalists and camera teams from twelve different countries were present yesterday the entire day at his private studio, castle and in the garden of the famous orchestra leader, where "Love in Venice" was christened. The CD will be released at the end of October. In Wednesday's paper, the day that the Maastricht violinist will celebrate his 65th birthday, a  nice report of the gathering at André Rieu's.
(Thanks to John for the Translation)


  1. Devoted Scottish Fan27 September, 2014

    What a wonderful way for The Maestro to celebrate his 65th Birthday and what a marvellous spectacle for the journalists!!
    The 'Venice in Maastricht' concerts this year were soooooo amazing. I cannot wait for the new CD which will be (as ever)superb, but I have a hunch this one will be even more special.
    Moira x

  2. Francine Chavanon.27 September, 2014

    Bravo à André qui va encore une fois charmer son public avec un superbe CD, un nouveau petit bijou à ajouter à la longue liste de tous ses chef-d'oeuvre. Merci cher Maestro pour toute cette belle musique et GOD BLESS YOU, cher André ! Francine.
