Oct 2, 2014

André Rieu ~ Emotions in The Editing Room

Searching For The Most Beautiful Emotions 
In The Editing Room
André Rieu records his concerts with twenty-seven television cameras. Thirteen of them are aimed at the Orchestra and fourteen of them permanently on his public. They are continually searching for the most emotional and romantic moments within the audience. A laugh, a tear ... Facial expressions are very important.

"You can create emotions," explains Rieu. "It takes days to view all those recordings, but it is quite fun to do. My wife Marjorie and I always slide together when we create a DVD and I have the best movie editor in the world." Since he also is a musician, he knows exactly when to cut the image. The recordings of an album can be quite costly. "Most orchestras record their instruments separately. We never do that. The entire orchestra gets together to record a piece in one setting. It is more expensive, but the sound is so much nicer."

Keyboard specialist Ward Vlasveld plays an important role in that. He is one of the veterans of The Johann Strauss Orchestra and sits in the studio's control room behind the mixing panel.
Translation by John


  1. Francine Chavanon02 October, 2014

    André est un homme adorable qui fonctionne au rythme de ses émotions, aussi ses DVD sont des moments de bonheur que l'on a plaisir à voir et revoir. Il est entouré d'une équipe formidable à commencer par son épouse et l'on ne peut qu'aimer tout ce qu'ils font avec leur cœur et leur professionnalisme. Bravo et merci à eux tous! Francine.

  2. ¨It is more expensive but the sound is much better.¨ That statement pretty much sums up the respect André has for his audience. The sets, the costumes, the lighting, the sound, etc., is more expensive but much better for the audience.
