Dec 18, 2014

Rieu Exposition In The Vrijthof Museum

Rieu Exposition In The Vrijthof Museum
Exhibition during concert series

De Limburger, by Ruud Maas: Maastricht-Violinist André Rieu will have his own exhibition at the Vrijthof museum next year. The exposition named "Attention to Detail" will open in June, just before the orchestra leader starts his yearly concert series on the co-located Maastricht square.

Museum director Erik de Jong states that the exhibition is organized in close cooperation with the Rieu family. "We’ve been carrying this idea around since February, and we would like to honor André in this manner. The motto of our museum is: "Made in Maastricht" and Rieu is of great importance to the city, both culturally and economically. We feel we are indebted to him."

"Attention to detail" highlights will include the musical creative process of the 65-year-old Rieu and his Strauss orchestra. In addition, sets, costumes and worldwide tours will also be featured. The principle areas are details which visitors to the Rieu concerts only are able to see for a distance, de Jong says. "Now you will be able to see how André was inspired by five dresses he saw in a movie of which his costume makers came up with as the final ultimate dress."

The exposition can be visited from June until September, not coincidentally, around the Vrijthof concerts. "Of course we hope that many visitors, who attend André’s shows, will also visit us. Normally as a museum we stand with our nose in the wings, the podium is right in front of our building. In that aspect we hope to be less unnoticed in 2015."

From Chapeau Magazine

Wednesday December 17: For the first time next summer we will be able to see an exhibition about André Rieu, namely in the Museum on the Vrijthof. Under the title of "Love for detail" attention will be paid to the way the music is chosen and translated by André Rieu and his Strauss Orchestra. The museum calls that "musical creative process."

In addition, attention is given to the costumes, the decors and the attributes. And finally, his worldwide tours will also be represented, accompanied by the different decors and the entire logistics. A brochure will also be produced in which the exhibition is being explained.

The exhibition is being produced in conversation with the Rieu family. The initial opening of the exhibition is being planned a few days prior to the 2015 Vrijthof concerts.
Thanks to John for Translation


  1. Oh, how nice, that sounds like it will be very interesting. It is a very nice museum, and I am sure they will do a great job with the exhibition. Something to look forward to!
    Jennifer D.

  2. Looking forward to that very interesting exposition at museum and glad they have a brochure from that exposition ...

    Imbi raid

  3. Francine Chavanon18 December, 2014

    Je prévois de venir assister aux concerts d'André au Vrijthof en 2015 et naturellement,je ne manquerai pas de visiter l'exposition consacrée à ce grand musicien qu'est André et dont je suis une fervente admiratrice. Bravo à lui et son orchestre pour la belle musique et GOD BLESS YOU, Maestro ! Francine.

  4. I'm very excited about the Rieu Exposition in the Vrijthof Museum.
    In 2015, finally I will get my chance to visit Andre and Maastricht and be there during the concert "season". I cannot wait !!
    Thanks for posting!!
    cheeRIEU from Val, Chris and Eileen (Melbourne, Vic. Australia)

  5. Devoted Scottish Fan03 January, 2015

    Will be very interesting. Look forward to visiting the Museum in July this year!.
    Moira x

  6. Bob Walton UK27 February, 2015

    Spending weekend 17-18 July so hopefully during the concert weekend we will visit the museum, love Andre and the JSO
