Apr 23, 2015

Rieu To Be Namesake For Prize Offered by Amikejo

Rieu To Be Namesake For Prize Offered by Amikejo

André Rieu has attached his name to a new encouragement prize which will be offered by the youth symphony orchestra "Amikejo"

It is the first time that the conductor has attached his name to an award. Every year the André Rieu incentive award will be presented to Euro-regional musical talents in the categories of strings, wind instruments an percussion. The jury, which will determine the winners, consists of Mark Prills, conductor of Amikejo, Ruud Merx and Franks Steijn, musicians from the Johan Strauss orchestra and Tom Berghmans, member on the board of the LSJO.

The talents, between the ages of 10 and 23 will be assessed by the jury in three components: Passion and Enthusiasm, Talent and being an ambassador for out-of-the-box thinking. In addition to a certificate, the winners will also receive an amount of money which they can invest in their own musical career.

The André Rieu incentive award will be presented for the first time on Sunday, April 26

Thanks to John for the Translation


  1. This is a marvelous gesture from Andre.
    He loves to sponsor/mentor young musical talent. Bravo Maestro!
    Susan Ham Australia.

  2. Thanks for putting in a lot of splendid work! It's "outside the box" thinking tough, not 'out of the box' thinking. Perhaps it was written wrong in the article too. Out of of the box thinking is what Ikea does ;)

    Wishing all an amazing weekend,

  3. Surprised that's what you got out of this article ... but anyway

    Thinking outside the box (also thinking out of the box or thinking beyond the box) is a metaphor that means to think differently, unconventionally, or from a new perspective. This phrase often refers to novel or creative thinking.

  4. Nice! A real incentive for those with musical talents. What a wonderful treat!

    And if we just google, it's not difficult to find out that "Outside the box" thinking is a variation of "Out of the box" thinking, so there's nothing wrong with the article, I do suppose "tough" should read "though" on the comment... but this is not a place for grammar or typo, so I won't go further :)
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. Speaking of young people inspired by music, I can't stop watching the boy playing "Adios Nonino" by Oscar Piazzola on the violin on Andre's website, in the "Child Fans Videos" section. It looks like a Christmas party, and the boy is accompanied by accordion and piano. I just love the way the boy plays, so dynamically and with his whole body! I think he has a future! :-)
    Jennifer D.

  6. Francine Chavanon24 April, 2015

    C'est une magnifique idée, André aime parrainer les jeunes talents comme par exemple le petit Akim Camara ou les enfants d'Afrique du Sud qu'il a généreusement fait venir à Maastricht. C'est un homme formidable de part son immense talent et sa grande humanité. Bravo cher Maestro et GOD BLESS YOU ! Francine .

  7. Oscar? ASTOR Piazzolla :D

