Jun 20, 2015

André Rieu To Come To The Aid of 700 Fans

Rieu To Come To The Aid of 700 Fans

That André Rieu is not the easiest but certainly not the worst individual, is already known in Maastricht. Yet the generous gesture of the conductor to come to the rescue of more than 700 dubed fans from home and abroad is today without a doubt, the talk of the day in the provincial capital.

The Limburger by Laurens Schellen - André Rieu comes to the aid of more than 700 domestic and foreign fans and helps them in an unorthodox manner. They have been seriously disadvantaged through the bankruptcy proceedings of hotel-restaurant Anna's on the Vrijthof. The fans, which include entire families and families and friends, have through the recently bankrupt HORECA business purchased an all-inclusive package, including a multi-course dinner and an eventual overnight stay, booked and paid for in advance for one of the seven Rieu concerts at the Vrijthof next month. In answer to questions from this newspaper curator Joep Tummers, who is overseeing the bankruptcy, revealed that the hotel sold many non delivered Rieu- arrangements in the amount of almost seventy thousand Euros’. The cheapest combo ticket (without accommodation) Anna’s was charging, was almost eighty Euros per person. Many of the victims are irate about the course of business and have reported fraud and scams to the police.

After careful consideration, none other than André Rieu himself is now coming to the rescue of these victims. Son Pièrre Rieu, production manager of the Maastricht violinist, confirmed yesterday afternoon that all affected will at no extra cost "be guaranteed" access to one of the Vrijthof concerts. "We'll simply arrange that." Furthermore Rieu junior is very busy negotiating with the unified catering entrepreneurs in Maastricht to offer the affected fans a free multi-course dinner in one of the restaurants in the downtown area prior to the concert. "During the course of next week, I expect to have a clear answer to this matter. I am hopeful, because the Maastricht hospitality industry has to maintain its name and reputation. To be honest, the events surrounding this bankruptcy are obviously not good advertising. It would be very nice if we all can repair the damage this way together," says Rieu Jr.

The seven Vrijthof concerts of André Rieu and his Johann Strauss Orchestra are virtually sold out.

Thanks to John for this and it's Translation


  1. Wonderful gesture Andre to save these fans from this awful catastrophe ! Bravo!! well done :-)

  2. That is so good of Andre and Pierre to do this for all the fans who were left without tickets,what a wonderful family they are and he is not bad on the Violin either !!!!

  3. Good on him. What a star he is and all those willing to rescue these dear fans of his

  4. Good on him his family and local businesses for coming to the rescue of these dear fans.

  5. Devoted Scottish Fan20 June, 2015

    I did wonder if Andre would "come to the rescue" and, of course, he has. What a thoughtful man he is and I'm sure Pierre will be able to use his powers of persuasion with the local businesses to help if they can too! Bravo Maestro and "mini-Maestro" !!
    Moira xx

  6. Francine Chavanon20 June, 2015

    André toujours présent quand quelque chose ne va pas. C'est un homme plein de qualités humaines et on ne peut qu'admirer sa gentillesse et son implication dans toutes les causes. Bravo et GOD BLESS YOU, cher Maestro. Je ne manquerai pas d'être au rendez-vous avec le JSO et son merveilleux chef, en juillet à Maastricht. Francine.
