Nov 17, 2015

Longtime André Fan Laurie Crowley Passes ...

Laurie Crowley 1928 - 2015
(Photo at the MECC in Maastricht)

Yesterday André lost a longtime, true fan ... and we lost a dear friend. Laurie gave countless hours in helping fans through Sonja's Translation Website and later The Harmony Parlor. Her ability to pull dates and information right out of her head was amazing! She was as some of us called her "a walking encyclopedia"! And always willing to help and share her wealth of knowledge of André and Company with all the fans.

To those of us who were lucky enough to know and call her a friend, we will never forget her. Our sympathy goes out to her husband Noel and family. Rest in Peace now Laurie ... 

A Personal note from her son Mike ...
Laurie's family is extremely touched by the loving public tributes to our mother/wife/grandmother from her fellow Andre super-fans. She so enjoyed your friendship and the bond you shared through Andre's music and that of the many talented musicians who perform with him. Thank you for helping to bring so much joy into her life. 

Laurie, Noel, Sonja and Maggie

►Click HERE To Read Laurie's Obituary
(Details of the funeral are on the Guestbook)


  1. Very sorry to hear about this, we never met but I used to enjoy Laurie's frequent posts on the Harmony Parlor website, before it was on Facebook.
    R.I.P. Laurie...
    Jennifer D.

  2. When I (re)discovered Andre and wrote on Sonja's guestbook back in 2006, Laurie was the first person who welcomed me. We had several emails exchanged in 2010 when I was preparing banners and flags for Today Show NYC and Atlantic City Fans Dinner. She spent so much effort in coordinating these events and delivered as much information as possible to all the fans going. Unfortunately I never got to meet her. We'll miss you, Laurie!

  3. Devoted Scottish Fan18 November, 2015

    Didn't have the pleasure of meeting Laurie in my trips to Magical Maastricht (as a relative 'newcomer') over the past 4 years but she certainly seemed to be a special lady. Heartfelt condolences to her family. There is never a time to lose Mum from a family, but this time of the year is more difficult, as I personally know. Thinking of Laurie's family and friends with love and sympathy.
    Moira x
