Dec 10, 2015

Marjorie Rieu makes an Exception and Talks to Bild Stars

André Rieu's Wife Does Not Like To Speak About Herself

She Makes An Exception For BILD Stars

His Family ... Wife Marjorie: the soul: 
For 40 years she has been a wife. But who is she really -- very few really know that.

BILD Stars: November, 2015: Marjorie Rieu is the woman in the background. She shuns the spotlights and seldom speaks in public. For BILD Stars she was willing to make a huge exception. In this first interview after a long time, she reveals her love secret, speaks about family happiness and swimming suits in the closet.

Four decades of marriage with a star. How does that function?

That is not entirely correct. I have not been married to a star for 40 years. When we married André was a very sympathetic, poor music student. After our wedding he accepted a job in a Symphony Orchestra and at the same time started to play in a small ensemble playing Salon music. I assisted him in finding a proper repertoire. The huge fame which he now has came gradually. Only 20 years ago did he have his great break through with the "Second Waltz" by Shostakovich. So we have had many years to get used to Stardom.

What is your secret for happiness?
We love and respect each other very much. We love to work together and we complete each other perfectly. I am not a musician, but do love music very much. Also privately we have many common interests. But fortunately each of us also has his own interests and hobbies.

What do you love about your husband?
Almost everything! Most of all that he is a loving person, always willing to help other people.

And what do you admire most about him?
His courage. He always has the courage to leave known ways and start new ones. He gave up his job, jumped into a total state of uncertainty, all to realize his dream. That's what he does all the time, boldly breaking new grounds.

Women all over the world lie at his feet. Why aren't you jealous?
Why should I? They don't know him at all. They only know the star on stage. Having a crush on him goes with this job.

When was the last time you argued and about what?
We never argue. Nobody believes that, but it is the truth. We do not always agree, but that should never end in an argument.

I think it's most important to control my own life,
without being asked all the time whether I am the wife of ... I am simply me.

Was it love at first sight?

At that time we were still too young for that. I was 15 and he 13. At that time you had no idea of "big love" at that age. But we liked each other from the beginning.

You have been a harmonious couple for decades. But, what do you have which he does not have yet? And what does he have that you don't?

I think I have more patience, I am less impulsive. He does things too quickly, drives fast too, which I definitely do not like. And whatever he has in mind, will happen. I am more relaxed, and rather adapt myself to the circumstances. When something does not work, then don't do it.

Please give us 5 reasons why you ever would want to marry him again.

He is the most loveliest human being I know and he still looks very attractive. He accepts me the way I am, from 40 years ago and still today. He is very emotional. He loves nature and all animals.

Why haven't you given any interviews in many years and why are you seldom seen in public?

That depends on what you mean by "in public". It is not that I hide in my house. Why should I? The only thing I don't like is to be known as the wife of André Rieu. I am still the same independent person I was before he became known and famous. And I prefer to stay like that. That is the reason why I, for instance, am not together with him in public to receive awards. I will never walk with him on a red carpet. He is the star, not I. And I place a lot of emphasis on leading my own life, without constantly being asked, if I am .......'s wife"? I am simply me.

How do you spend your spare time together?

Probably like every other normal human being. At home, cooking, playing with the grandchildren, our dogs, reading, or watching TV. And actually we are always busy with our jobs. We talk about new ideas, programs, concerts, CDs, businesslike items. There is no clear separation between spare time and work!

Can you actually still listen to Strauss waltzes and which music do you like most?

Strauss composed wonderful waltzes and I can always listen to them. I love to listen to all the CDs André has recorded. I also love watching his DVDs.

Actually they are the result of our mutual work and it would not be good if I did not like to watch them. We both value the details in our work and then it gives us joy to watch and listen to the concerts again later on.
And what else do I like to listen to? Well, there is hardly any music I do not like. Jazz maybe, that does not do anything for me. And I do not particularly care for today's Pop-music. Older music, yes: and classical, opera, operetta, musicals, songs. As long as I won't go deaf, I'll keep on enjoying music.

Could you please mention three things which you would rather not have experienced, and three things which you still would love to experience together.

The passing of my parents was of course very tough. That was a hard blow for me as well as André. At some point, most of us experience the death of their parents. You have to deal with it. Somewhere you find the strength to go on without your beloved parents. My mother really was André's biggest fan. Otherwise I have always been very lucky in life.

I cannot say that there are things which I did not want to experience. Sometimes you simply just ignore many. As an after the war (WWII 1940-45) born child, I was brought up very strict and therefore might take life as it comes. My parents had a very hard time during the war. My Jewish father had to go into hiding and almost lost a big part of his family. My mother was a resistance fighter. As a child I always got to hear: "You did not experience the war, so don't be griping". That influences you of course.

What we still like to experience together? In any case that our four grandchildren - the fifth is on its way - grow up healthy. Hopefully we live long enough that we may see them as adults. They are such sweet children now, they will become great adults for sure!

Imagine, your husband says: "I'll have my hair cut short". What will your reaction be?

If he wants to do that, why not? I am sure he will look good that way too. When I learned to know him, he had short hair. He looked good. He always looks good!

Do you have more evening dresses in the closet, or does your husband have more tuxedos?

Haha, I definitely do not have any evening dresses at all, so that answer is clear! But I definitely have more swimming suits than he has swimming trunks. I swim for my health, he does not.

Together you survived your husband's illness (2012 Virus Infection, a three month break) and financial problems. Is there still something that can make you fearful?

Although we know now that we have had some experience in coping with worries, it is still terrible if someone in our family were to suffer from something bad. You cannot prepare yourself for this in life. But we know, that no matter what happens, we will always stick together.

Profession of Love Between Two Book Covers

Marjorie Rieu wrote for André "My music, my life". And as a token of his appreciation he gave her a small golden booklet on a chain, in which both their names had been engraved."
Translation by both Ineke and John


  1. Thank You for this wonderful article ! Marjorie so seldom gives interviews - so this is very nice of her to give this interview.
    Imbi Raid.

  2. A wonderful interview. Andre's career has always been based on the fact that he has a wonderful steadfast marriage, and that Marjorie is with him all the way. Without Marjorie I doubt that we would have the wonderful Andre - she seems like a devoted caring person much like The Maestro himself. Many thanks for the interview Patricia Smith

  3. Thank you Ineke and John! Fantastic job!
    Marjorie is such a wonderful person, with so great sense of humor! What a pity she scarcely ever gives interviews…
    Thanks again for the translation.
    Danuta Mąkolska

  4. Thank you so much for translating. Such a great interview. What a lovely couple André and Marjorie are. xx

  5. Thank you for this translation. I really enjoyed reading it and getting Marjory's perspective. 🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻

  6. Thank you for this translation. I really enjoyed reading it and getting Marjory's perspective. 🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻

  7. Thank you so much for the translation.

  8. How lovely after all this time to hear Marjorie speak about herself my sentiments would be as hers are. Behind every great man there is woman and I am sure she is a grest individual and Andre is the lucky one.

  9. I think Marjorie is an outstanding person behind the scenes to make the love of her heart the man and musician that he is. Much appreciation for you dear Marjorie!!!

  10. Val Trounson14 December, 2015

    What a pleasure to hear from Marjorie. It shows the human side of a great artist who has a loving, wonderful, supportive wife. Behind every successful man is a good woman.

    Val Trounson

  11. Mercè Fité

    Encantadora Marjorie. De acuerdo con la frase, detrás de un gran hombre, hay una gran mujer. Gran apoyo a Andre. Felicidades a los dos.

  12. I love Andre for his music & the way he & the JSO bring so much happiness to a world that really needs more of his thoughts. Last year I managed to purchase a violin 🎻 & love playing even though I have a long way to go. Have a great Christmas & a wonderful new year xx

  13. I wasn't into classical music,until a Aunt said listen to this on tv.It was Andre Rieu and JSO,they helped me get over a heart attack.So now l am hooked on Andre and his music that he plays.Thankyou Andre and JSO.X

  14. Thank you so much and what a pleasure it was reading about Marjorie's interview on Harmony, how lovely it was hearing from her.....My, what a lovely and devoted couple they are. We love Andre and his music very much and are always waiting for new CD's & DVD's to pop up, we are so glad he came into our lives and love playing his CD's especially at the weekends ( in fact if I'm honest--his are the only one's we play ). I wasn't into Classical music that much to be honest, then one Christmas, we watched him on TV " Christmas in London " and WOW,....Oh my Lord, we fell in love with him straight away and his music....He has always been the TOP'S for us ever since ( and got pictures plastered of him all over the house )to prove it. We wish you & the JSO continued success Andre for many years to come yet....and you are truly a wonderful couple.Long life and blessings to you both.

  15. Una entrevista muy Chula.. El dicho.. Detrás de un gran hombre hay una gran mujer.. MARJORY lo es esta claro.. Es Perfecta para André.. Se complementan muy bien.. Y se quieren y respetan a su manera y son felices de loo que me alegro mucho.. Pero yo particularmente la hecho de menos en muchos actos de su esposo.. Pero hay que respetar su decisión.. BRAVO. Marjory. 👍👌🎶🎻🎶

  16. What a lovely interview with such a lovely lady! This was insightful and she has such humor! I really loved this and know that they are so lucky to have each other! A wonderful love story! Thank you!❤❤

  17. Quina sana enveja!!! Aquest amor i llibertat que es tenen.

  18. Espectacular esta entrevista!!! Adorei as respostas dela !!!! Que mulher espectacular e que casal maravilhoso!!! Muito gosto em conhecer esta moça!!! Adoro os Concertos do Andre Rieu, não falto a nenhum! Obrigada ao Casal !!!! Saúde!!!!!

  19. Maravillosa pareja ..Marjorie esta segura de su amor por ella .Hermosa Dama.Creo que es el complemento del.exito de Andre Rieu,detrás de un gran hombre siempre hay una maravillosa mujer que con sus palabras y amor lo complementa Aplausos para ella .No hay muchas mujeres que bajen el perfil para que su esposo se luzca ,es independiente e inteligente. Aplausos a los dos 👏👏los dos son uno solo plasmado en el otro ❤❤

  20. Your husband brightens my day with performances ranging from little Amira back then to Tutti Frutti. At times if I click on a video that is glamorous, it makes me wish I was there which I'll never get to be. I most probably could have had I married some of the men I turned down; yet, when I had free time, I wanted to be there for my parents I adored and lost a year apart from each other recently .... right after a spine injury beginning 9 nightmare years. Maybe if I survive surgery and the nightmare years when my life flipped due to my parents' deaths, maybe that will be my treat goal - to see one of his performances! Point being though, I loved reading your interview and can see a possible other reason I see greatness in Andre Rieu: As family was always the important part of my life, he seems to be a good man devoted to his wife and family, and a great wife and family it appears he has!

  21. Adoro simplesmente adoro

  22. Спасибо. Вы великая женщина Марждори я рада первое интервью ваше прочитала и узнала много что меня интересовала. Вы очень умная женщина. Вы тыл маэстро. Без вас ему было бы тяжело.получается я это прочитала через 7 лет. Спасибо дай бог здоровья и счастье вам .

  23. Спасибо. Вы великая женщина Марждори я рада первое интервью ваше прочитала и узнала много что меня интересовала. Вы очень умная женщина. Вы тыл маэстро. Без вас ему было бы тяжело.получается я это прочитала через 7 лет. Спасибо дай бог здоровья и счастье вам.
