Feb 8, 2016

The Harmony Parlor on Facebook is SIX Years Old!!


  1. Congratulations Sue! Six years on Facebook, time flies. You started a wonderful group of friends with interesting and lively conversations.
    Every day I enjoy reading the comments.
    Love from Holland!

  2. Devoted Scottish Fan11 February, 2016

    Happy Birthday to Harmony Psrlor on FB! Congratulations and many thanks for your hard work and ongoing dedication to this, giving us the opportunity to "speak" to fans all over the World! Great fun.
    Love, Moira x

  3. Hello , your blog is fantastic . I 've found it by an accident reading different news about Andre . I'm a big fan of Maestro :) I explore your blog which is a great fun and I'd like you to know you do a good work , really . Best wishes from Poland , Ivona :)

  4. I found the sight by accident,but reading your comments has been great.

  5. I have been reading your reports etc fo rmany years and do appreciate them very much because it keeps every thing Andre close even though he and the JSO are so far away Thanks and happy posting Pat Stringer from Australia

  6. Thank you so much for all the hard work you put into writing your interesting blog which is devoted to "all things Andre", including reports on Andre's wife, Marjorie, their sons and grandchildren. Great to have such an insight into the life of this lovely family. Music touches the heart.

  7. Devioted Scottish Fan18 March, 2016

    Hi there - hope all is well with you, as there have not been any new posts on the site since beginning of February? Miss your hard work and dedication on this site too and appreciate everything you do.
    M x
