May 6, 2016

André Rieu With Yearly New Year's Concerts

André Rieu With Yearly New Year's Concerts

In addition to his traditional concerts on the Vrijthof in Maastricht, André Rieu will from now on also perform each year in the Ziggo Dome in Amsterdam. It is all about a New Year's concert and the first edition will be on Saturday - January 7th, 2017.

A concert in the New Year is something the Maastricht violinist has been busy with for quite a while. "For years, my wife Marjorie and I have been playing with the idea of giving a special New Year's concert in the Netherlands. But during that period I was always abroad on tour with my orchestra. We now have changed that so that we now can begin the year with a wonderful New Year's concert in our own country. "

Across The Entire World

The coming month Rieu will be on tour in Hungary, Austria, Germany, Czech Republic and Poland. In June he will be in Bucharest for two great open-air concerts, followed by his summer evening concerts in Maastricht. In September, the musician will depart for Argentina and Guatemala and will afterwards go to Australia and New Zealand to. In December, he'll close the year with his tour through the UK and Ireland.

Ticket sales for the New Year's concert on will start on May 7th via 

Thank you to John for the Translation


  1. Francine Chavanon.07 May, 2016

    Une bonne idée d'André de commencer l'année par un concert dans son magnifique pays pour le plus grans plaisir de ses compatriotes. J'adore sa musique et je me fais une joie d'être sur la place Vrijthof à Maastricht en juillet prochain. André et le JSO parcourent le monde et j'espère qu'ils reviendront bientôt pour une tournée en France ou tout le public les attend car ils nous manquent beaucoup! Amicales pensées d'une inconditionnelle. GOD BLESS YOU? dear Maestro. Francine.

  2. Devoted Scottish Fan07 May, 2016

    How wonderful that Andre has finally managed to organise his New Year Concerts in his beloved homeland. Such a proud Dutchman - and rightly so - he will be so happy that this plan has finally come to be and he has been able to put in place his new Tradition. Glad to see also, that he has still taken some time after his UK December Tour to spend a week at home before his New Year Concert each year.
    Moira x

  3. Anonymous08 May, 2016

    Fantastic! and it'd be so good if there's a NYE dvd released from this 2017 concert.


  4. Guatemala seems like a really, really strange location for a concert. More than half the country below poverty line... but Maestro will maybe give the money from concert to the poor, like he did in Romania. We love you Maestro, for your big heart.

  5. Brigitte France31 May, 2016

    Jespère que vous viendrez en France EN 2016 OU NOUS VOUS ATTENDONS AVEC IMPATIENCE Bon séjour en Pologne Cordialement
