Jul 24, 2017

Downpour In Last Rieu Concert in Maastricht

Downpour In Last Rieu Concert in Maastricht
From The Limburg Newspaper: In the Downpour in Maastricht, Rieu's audience was fully hit. Music lovers who had looked forward to a nice evening with André Rieu, got a wet surprise. The weather Gods were not favorable to the waltz king and his audience. During the entire show the rain came pouring down. The crowd, who tried to protect themselves against the water with a poncho (provided by André), was fully hit.
Rieu tried to keep up the spirit: "I've heard the rain stops ..... Tomorrow," the violinist joked.

Some visitors had waited for a while, but left the last show of the Vrijthof concert series before the end. Bernd and Ilona Jürgen from Dresden also decided to seek shelter. They had traveled 600 miles especially for the Rieu show. "But this was really too tough. After an hour in the downpour, we just had to leave."
Although the rain came pouring down on Saturday night, Rieu said it was no reason for cancellation. "We only cancel if there is a danger to our audience, and that was not the case. Imagine that you have traveled from Sydney to Maastricht especially for the concert, you don't let down because of a few raindrops. By the way: The atmosphere was great, right from the start. It was a fantastic evening. "

Thank you to Ineke for the Translation of the Article!

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