Feb 22, 2018

More Days For Rieu on The Vrijthof?

Extra Day For Rieu on The Vrijthof

This year Maastricht still had one more event day to be released for the Vrijthof. 
André Rieu actually still needs three, but for now - received the last one.

Maastricht, by John Hoofs, the Limburger.- To choose between André Rieu, Erwin Brepols and a yet unknown artist, was for the Maastricht city council on 10 November not too difficult a choice. If you still have precisely one more day available for an event on the Vrijthof, then you grant that day to someone who has brought the city and the region for years a lot of economic prosperity, someone who reinforces the image and who cultivates a lot of international goodwill. That of course is André Rieu and with the expectation that he might shortly be knocking on the door for yet another two extra concert days
The Norm
For years Maastricht has been wrestling with their self imposed 60 day norm for the Vrijthof. Exclusive erecting and breaking down, for example, of a podium or seats on Maastricht's famous square, such events can only be booked for up to 60 days per year. With the ponderous request of "Magisch Maastricht" [Magical Maastricht (this year 31 days)] there is not much left to be passed along. Definitely not when André Rieu plans on twelve concerts and then adds on a thirteenth. With a perspective of a fourteenth and fifteenth, should the ticket sales increase. 

This year, Rieu's performances are planned for Thursday 5 through Sunday 8 July, Thursday 12 through Sunday 15 July and Thursday 19 through Sunday 22 July. Three times four days in a row, to which now July 4th has been added. Should the run on tickets justify that, then concerts could also be arranged for Wednesdays 11 and 18 July. In that case, the city council would have to make an exception to their 60 day rule. Three extra concerts, means 30,000 more visitors, including additional hotel stays, restaurant visits, and shopping purchases as a result.

Erwin Brepols (local celebrity) cannot surpass this economic impact. Together with the Vrijthof entrepreneurs he wanted to perform an easy accessible concert, in order to celebrate his twenty-fifth anniversary as an artist. In addition, the Sjeng Kraft Kompenei also wanted to claim the last event day, by wanting to contract a national or international artist for Saturday 10 November and be able to use the stage on the Vrijthof the night before the-11th-of-the-11th (Mardi-Gras start) since it is already there. With both requesters in mind, the city council is now looking for an alternate location.

Thanks to John for this and the Translation

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