Jun 22, 2018

Tickets and Dinner For The Victims of Rieu Concerts

Tickets and Dinner For The Victims of The Rieu Concerts

Maastricht by Ivo Kok - During the thirteen concerts given by violinist André Rieu in Maastricht next month, space has been cleared up at the Theater at the Vrijthof for the seven hundred guests who were duped by the bankruptcy of the restaurant Scharrels en Scharen.

The domestic and international fans of the Maastricht Orchestra leader, some time ago bought an arrangement of 85.00 Euros each at the chicken and lobster restaurant, including dinner. But after Scharrels and Scharen went bankrupt after barely a year, money, dinner and tickets seemed to have disappeared like snow in the sun. Pierre Rieu, André's son and head of the production company, promised to do everything possible to compensate the victims, which has now been achieved.

The tickets are made available by Rieu, while after consultation with the entrepreneurs of the Vrijthof it was finally decided to add additional spaces to the Theater on the Vrijthof. Dinners will be served there without any additional costs to the victims. Rieu has also taken in consideration that many foreign fans have already booked travel and hotel arrangements for the performances. They can go to the theater on the day they had originally planned their reservations.

It is the second time that André Rieu's productions company came to the rescue after a bankruptcy, because the same happened in 2005 with hotel-restaurant Anna on the Vrijthof. Then too, ten thousand Euros were invested to provide the affected a nice evening. This will be the last time though, emphasized Pierre Rieu. "Undoubtedly at a certain time a business will go bankrupt on the Vrijthof. And for that there needs to be an insurance which will take care of that. A kind of safety-net, so to speak, so that we do not have to arrange everything at the very last moment. We are in discussions with this with the Vrijthof entrepreneurs at the Vrijthof, and they are very sympathetic to these discussions.

Thanks to John for this Article and it's Translation. It will be his last Translation for us until he comes back in August from Maastricht and his vacation  .. Have a Good One John - you've earned it!! 

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