Jul 21, 2019

100th Rieu Concert On The Vrijthof In Maastricht

The 100th Concert On The Vrijthof Square In Maastricht

The Limburger - July 21st 2019: Maastricht honored it's most famous son, André Rieu Sunday evening July 21st, during the one hundredth concert of the violinist and his Johann Strauss Orchestra on the Vrijthof. Mayor Annemarie Penn-te Strake presented him with a bronze plaque which she stated "will remain on the square forever". She then danced a waltz with the stand alone violinist.

André Rieu received this Maastricht token of appreciation "for his outstanding achievements for the city," according to the mayor, Mrs. Penn-te Strake. “We have been thinking: what should we give you? You have already received all the distinctions of the city! That is why we choose a plaque that will be placed on this square, on the very spot where the stage is now. And it will stay there forever, even when we are no longer here." The plaque includes the words "eus ouge bloonke bij dien glories" (our eyes twinkled with your success), which is a line from the Maastricht anthem.      


Rieu reacted emotionally. "I am flabbergasted, moved and honored to receive this award from my hometown. It is great to make so many people happy with our music each year, from all over the world. I am also very proud that our beautiful Maastricht has been put on the international map by these concerts.”

Rieu started in 2005 with his concerts on - what he calls - "The most beautiful square in the country." Soon the shows in the hometown of the violinist and orchestra leader, attracted fans from all over the world. During this year's concert series, which began on July 4 and ended this Sunday evening July 21st, with no less than 150,000 people from 99 different countries who all came to the Vrijthof. That too is a record. On Friday evening, Rieu received the one millionth visitor to the Vrijthof concerts.

Rieu is celebrating his 70th birthday this Fall and is going on tour to Colombia, Chile, Spain and Portugal after the summer. In December he will conduct Christmas concerts for the first time in his hometown. These concerts will take place in the MECC (Maastricht Exhibition and Conference Center).

On July 27 and 28, the film of his most recent concert series in Maastricht 2019 will be premiered worldwide in three thousand cinemas.

Thank You to Ineke for the Translation

1 comment:

  1. Bravo, bravo ! Cette récompense reçue par André est vraiment méritée. Avec le JSO, André place sa ville natale au 1er rang en attirant des fans venus des 4 coins du monde, sa musique ravit les cœurs et Maastricht offre tellement de belles choses à découvrir. Merci à Mme le Maire d'avoir honoré cet immense musicien et homme de cœur qu'est André! Une fan inconditionnelle de France! Francine.
