Oct 4, 2019

Birthday Greetings To André From All Walks of Fans

The Newspaper “The Limburger” posted  a series of Congratulations by prominent people, colleagues and fans of André Rieu on the occasion of his 70th Birthday

October 1, 2019: By Rob Cobben, Kim Noach and Peter van de Berg. Drop the name “Maastricht” in New Zealand, Brazil or Japan and you will immediately receive “André Rieu” as a response. The Maastricht musician is world famous and knows how to touch the hearts of millions with his music. Today he is celebrating his 70th birthday. Long may he live … and play ...
Sister Leona (105), big fan

“I have been following  André Rieu since the “Hieringe Biete” concerts (Eating herring). I secretly went there from the convent. And I always returned very happy. He makes the people happy with his music. If I feel bad or sad I put one of his CDs on and then everything goes immediately much better. He is a wonderful human being, who is concerned about his fellow human beings. I hope that we can enjoy his music for a long time to come; and I hope that I will still be there next Summer to dance a waltz with him on the Vrijthof Square”.

Jan Cober (68), conductor of the marching brass Band “Sainte Cécile” (which performs at the Vrijthof before the concerts)

Your father was steadfast, was a beacon for his musicians. You show the same traits with your orchestra and not only in the artistic way. You demonstrate the same with your own orchestra, which does not show only on the artistic side, but you manage an orgaznization in a subtle way. Your music is often underestimated but you bring it to something special by your high qualities and striving for perfection. We may be very grateful for that and enjoy it to the fullest. I wish you many more healthy years and for us to enjoy your music André, best wishes!

Theo Bovens (60), commissioner to the King in the province of Limburg

André, I wish you many more years in good health, with your engergy and condition, I think that that will turn out well. I hope that you will pleasure many in Limburg with your music, and the manner in which you carry out the name of Limburg in the rest of the world. André uses music as the language of the heart. Through that he easily connects with people regardless of circumstances, roots or cultures. Being in Lourdes (place of pilgrimage in France) I was one of the first who heard your track “Wie sjoen os Limburg is” (How beautiful our Limburg is). And for only that reason, his music sticks with me.

Enzo Kok, (17) violinist

André Rieu’s music is very special because it appeals to a broad audience. I experienced that myself. One moment you laugh about his jokes and the next moment you are moved to tears. That is his power. He is a lovable man who leaves nothing to chance, everything is organized into the smallest details. That night in 2015 when I was allowed to join the orchestra … was so special to me. A dream which came true.

Gerd Leers (68), former mayor of Maastricht, who assisted André in performing on the Vrijthof in 2005

In church history, the triple stroke, Verum, Pulchrum and Bonum (the truth, fair and good) have been used for centuries. If one fails, the other two will fail as well. For years “the fair” was seen as unnecessary frills, but André Rieu put that into its place again and made it accessible to the masses.

I passionately sing along with the choir: Long may he live… because then we all will have André and his fantastic orchestra with us for many years

Jan Slagter (65), Manager of the Dutch TV Channel “Omroep MAX"

André Rieu is a phenomenon. During the "Time for Max" tour in 2016 we were in Maastricht on the O.L.V. square (Our dear Lady square) for a broadcast with André and a free mini concert for the audience (watch the movies website under previous items: free mini concert on Sept.30, 2016 or click: http://www.andrerieumovies.com/2016/160930_free_miniconcert.htm
It was spectacular. He managed to get everyone to dance! I hope that he may perform many more beautiful concerts and that he can travel the world in good health. As an ambassador he puts the Netherlands and especially Maastricht on the map and that makes us extremely proud.

Rocco Granata (81), singer, composer of the song ‘Marina” (with which André finishes his concert every evening)

A few years ago I performed as a guest in André’s concert on the Vrijthof. Afterwards I received reactions from family, friends and fans from all over the world. André is a top entertainer! I am not surprised that he and his orchestra are highly regarded all over the world. If I were to be an impresario, and I could choose between Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, the Rolling Stones or the Beatles, I would be sure: I would always select André Rieu. He has to continue for at least another 50 years.

Guido Dieteren (45) violinist, conductor of Guido’s orchestra

I know André very well. From October 1995 until May 1998, which was during my conservatory studies, I was allowed to play as a fulltime violinist in his orchestra. They were beautiful musical experiences. Our very first performance in Germany was really unforgettable. The audience in Hamburg almost literally brought the roof down. During the years I played with the orchestra, we always started with the “Frühlingsstimmen” (Voices of Spring) Waltz. Even now, when I hear this beautiful waltz, I think: “Start the show, it is showtime!”

Beppie Kraft (73), singer from Maastricht

I admire the way André manages his hectic life, with so many travels and performances all over the world. My favorite Rieu piece is of course “Clavelitos”, an original Spanish song, which I bring to the stage as “In d’n hiemel” (In Heaven). Years ago I discovered this melody. I spoke to my producer, who knew that André had this song in the repertoire of his Maastricht Salon Orchestra. It remains a wonderful memory that we share this beautiful piece together.

Jack Poels (62), singer of the Limburg pop band “Rowwen Hèze”

In 2007 André invited our band to perform with him on the Vrijthof. One day earlier I had planned my wedding party. "So then celebrate that here with us;" André said enthusiastically. "I’ll never forget that!"

Once I heard a Rieu fan say: “André takes the pain away in my life”. I have never forgotten that remark. There is no expiration date on his music. And the waltz is so universal which everyone understands. I appreciate him also as a hard worker. When I also look at "Rowwen Hèze": we both worked very hard in achieving something.

George Baker (74) singer and composer of “Green bag” and “White Dove”

I greatly appreciate André for his courage, entrepreneurial spirit and perseverance. He has fully realized his dream and we in the Netherlands can be very proud of that. I see him going on for a long time. You see that he still has fun on stage. He radiates pleasure. No, we have never performed together.  I am very honored that he recorded my hit “Una Paloma Blanca” (One White Dove) on his new album.

Thanks to Ineke for sending these and John's Translation

1 comment:

  1. Quel plaisir de lire tous ces textes élogieux envers André, il les mérite tellement. Je joins aussi mes félicitations à ce grand Maestro qui apporte tant de joies autour de la planète. Bravo et merci cher André en espèrant pouvoir écouter encore très longtemps tous ces merveilleux morceaux, sublimés par ton talent et ton magnifique orchestre, le JSO. Francine.
